
You win! No more, you win!

Why don't you cite your sources on your "seriously right" information then? My whole point was if you're in that much contact with someone then you have a much higher chance of contracting whatever they have. And I'm not just talking about vaginal mucus. Any of the contact that happens during any sort of sexual

Oh my stars and garters, this is the best. Now do Ramen Noodle Truck Stop Man!

Sweetie pie, anything you can get from going down on someone while they're on their period, you can get when they're not on their period. You can also get it if you're not going down on them and just having regular sex. It's not about the blood. Mucous membrane contact, bud.

I agree with thisisamazonman. Yes, the headline itself was very explanatory. I wasn't expecting pictures though...

I know, I used to have a coworker who said it constantly, along with other similar utterances. She's very sweet, and otherwise quite articulate. I got used to it, but it still jars my English-o-Meter out of wack when I'm not expecting it. I guess I'll just have to keep telling myself, "This is how language changes,

Or "I seen," as in "I seen that movie last week." GAH

You can call cars terrible on the same level as ATVs once ATVs have the same number and quality of safety features that cars do. Until then, STFU.

I got MDTI WOI AD IKPLE. Probably still encrypted.

Doooo you mean like this??

Her widdle wiggly wriggly nose!! I can't even.

Sorry, just snorted water out my nose. "Put it someplace warm and cozy" indeed. I am figuratively 12 years old.

Eeeeexactly. Now just try telling boyf that.

I can't even begin to imagine the arguments we'll have over the Easter Bunny. I have a feeling my future mother-in-law will be a lot like yours.

Srsly. I never grew up with Santa, but my boyfriend did, and every Christmas we bicker about how stupid it is to tell your kids that Santa brought their gifts. My argument is always that you're straight up lying to your kids. His is that there needs to be some magic in the world. Every year neither of us budges.