Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

The Accord. Perfect name for a car that balances so many customer demands - comfort, efficiency, reliability, usability, speed, and aesthetic appeal - in one harmoniously balancd entity. It may not be terribly exciting, but it is a consistently all-around excellent machine.

As a boomer asshole, I express my sympathy to the millenials I work with. I tell them how I bought a '65 Dodge Dart for $70, drove it for a year until the timing chain broke, signed the title over to the tow truck driver, walked across the street and bought a '66 Belair for $235 incl. taxes and tag, drove it for a

Allenby is a world-class golfer. He should be able to get out of a tough lie.

Westy Vanagon, you can just turn around and cook some food while you wait for the traffic to move.

Tesla model S provides the best in-car entertainment without burning fuel.

Raymond Loewy.

Hyundai / Kia took one look at the sales numbers of that other pretty, sporty, rear drive performance coupe they make and said, "nope."

I think VW Jetta wagons can still come with a stick.

Heated seats. So nice for the winter time.

wont have a car without it

Aw, man. I love heated seats.

That's funny, I though they made a mid-engine Mustang before.

Volkswagen Toucan would fit well with their naming scheme.

Man if I wasnt 6'5" i would love a S2000

Name a single time in the last decade where Mitsubishi DIDN'T fuck up big. "Mitsubishi: we make terrible decisions"

Oh come on. The bigger the displacement, the lighter the engine. It becomes more hollow inside. Am I right?
Also CP because cabriolet.

DB4 GT Zagato

Oh that one time where my wife who uses a wheelchair asked for a cordless phone at her work so that she can answer calls and assist library patrons because the corded phone was out of her reach. Her bossed refused the request, then proceeded to reprimand her for not being responsive enough to phone calls.

Wish I could find a working link to the SNL Chameleon XLE ad.