Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

I'll take my rotary in something that weighs less than 2500 lbs, thank you very much. Otherwise it's just a fast-spinning toad.

If you click the link, there's a pic that shows that it's indeed the AWD talon.

If I'm spending any money on a tiny convertible called a Metro, it'll be this one:

Regulatory monopolies (through patent rights) can be beneficial when drug companies have done the research and developed the drug themselves but this is just a case of price gouging. This is not a case of a patent right as much as it's a case of a drug company abusing the benefits they received through this regulation.

Why is a thrice-failed-out-of-college former small-market weathergirl (and regarding Sarah Palin, I mean that in the most derogatory manner possible) even in the national spotlight anymore? She has literally nothing relevant to contribute to the political scene except rousting the crazies and providing pithy, idiotic,

thank you very much. As a hairy man, I'm always glad to hear that there are women out there who find us attractive (and maybe pull my back hair during the heat of passion)

I have a personal preference related to my proclivity for performing oral sex. Less hair makes it more enjoyable but I've never asked any woman to shave her pubic region. Personally, I'm hairy enough to have Animal Control show up when I go outdoors without a shirt, but I keep my man parts trimmed neatly or shaved

#COTD nomination please, if i'm able to do that. If his comment made you go "OHM," you can F right off. I like puns.

and for $14k, you could have all three in your garage, in good condition.

Dropsy sounds like the name of a sad clown. So does Rickets.

but without the foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic rage induced by the bullshit, nobody would vote

Usually accidental death and dismemberment is another policy or a rider or endorsement on the life insurance policy. Most states' regulations are different for life and ad&d plans. For example, I've got a health insurance license in several states and I can sell AD&D plans in those states but not life because that

Now playing

Start at 1:20 - "Nobody with boxer shorts has ever bought a Lamborghini"

The braking is more impressive to me - with the small-ish 14" wheels, 3600 lb heft, 1968-spec tires, and obviously small disc/drum brakes (to fit under the 14" wheels), a 148-foot skid from 65 is actually 13 feet shorter than a new Impala - according to a police test of a 2008 Impala police spec model - with modern

Yes, but more like this condition

Looks like a Ford Fiesta, Mitsubishi Lancer, and Toyota Venza had their genes spliced with a half-sized Mercedes Benz R-class. But hey...

re: Gender discrimination case in Yurop - in the US, some courts tried to do that until the insurance companies pulled out huge files of actuarial data indicating that men were a higher risk in general than women. We drive more miles and cause half-again as much damage per mile driven. It's discrimination but it's

#COTD nomination, please

I think there was probably alcohol involved if those two fat cops could catch the thin driver high on cocaine...

Regardless of the terrible experiences that some commenters have had with their GM FWD A-bodies, I've had positive experiences in the several that have served my extended family until my 1987 Century caught fire in a construction zone in 2003. I voted NP because I would definitely drive it until it caught fire.