
No one is confusing that. You’re the only trying to dissect something that doesn’t need to be. The cabinet is full of smart, qualified people, both from a subject matter standpoint AND politically. Just read up on them instead of coming up with fucking bullshit hypotheticals. This really is the best thing to happen to

Yup, they’ll vote Liberal again. Because the country has finally woken up and realized it doesn’t need fucking stupid conservatives running it. It’s a socialist democracy and always will be. Go back into your cave.

Blah blah blah. Denial, denial, denial. Just accept it. You’re a fucking waste of air. You fail at arguments. You have no brain. You fail at life. The sooner you accept this very simple fact, the far better off you’ll be. You’re just continually deluding yourself, day after day.

Fact: you’re an idiot.

Just scroll back through the thread man, it’s hilarious reading the bullshit you’ve been typing and every single person calling you out on your stupidity. You’re laughing, but the rest of the world is laughing right back at you. Don’t worry, I’m sure this is a you vs. the world situation, everyone else is wrong you’re

You are dumb. I am superior to you. In fact, everyone on this thread is superior to you. It’s honestly that cut and dry. It’s quite sad you don’t see it. /pat pat

Okie dokie, fucking dipshit. At least I’m not fucking stupid like you. I don’t even need to provide any examples, this entire thread is evidence enough.

That’s a weak excuse. They are vying for the most powerful position in the country (and potentially the world). The standards SHOULD be insanely fucking high. He knows he’ll appear on TV. Plan ahead. What is his idiotic staff doing?

I don’t need to provide you evidence that you’re fucking stupid.

You’re an idiot. It’s quite unfortunate that you aren’t intelligent enough to actually understand how stupid the previous statements you regurgitated like shitty tuna salad were.

You are seriously fucking delusional if you think feminism has made it worse for women. Compare women living in the 20’s to now. They’re in a far better place. Are there things still horribly fucking wrong? YES. Progress has been made, but there’s still room for massive amounts of improvement, that can only be done

Oh my god. Just shut the fuck up please. You’re just embarrassing yourself. You ARE the problem. Watch the video, watch it again, and then MAYBE, just maybe you’ll get it through your thick skull that you’re fucking wrong.

It’s not getting thrown under the bus. When you’re a politician, you’re subject to intense scrutiny, especially about topics you’re fervent about. He’s a gun advocate, he should take the time to be insanely fucking precise when appearing on national television and discussing said subject. If not, he’s not fit to be

Uh, no. You’re a fucking idiot, as is Ted Cruz.

Fine, since you’re so high on semantics.

You’re seriously worried about what might happen to us in 4 billion years?

This happens in MMOs too. I play FFXIV for example and in the hardest raiding content, we can wipe for hours and hours and hours. All of a sudden, after taking a 2 day break, we come back in and within 20 minutes, we’ve cleared the fight.

I ad-blocked this site due to this article. Come at me.

Fine by me, at least I’m not a fucking dumbass like you and the other poster. =)

It’s fucking selfish to do so. Herd immunity is all that matters. Unless you’re truly sick and you literally cannot get vaccines, go and get them and stop being a fucking dumbass. Wish we could just send people who don’t want to get them to another fucking planet. Would be 100% better.