
The link actually was a video of your mom trying (and failing) to abort you with a coat hanger. It’s honestly too bad she wasn’t successful. It explains the way you turned out to be a complete piece of shit though. =)

Actually, here. Please consume copious amounts of this. You’ll feel better I promise:

Meh. Everyone has to die at some point, and much nicer people have had worse diseases. It doesn’t change the fact that Frank Miller is not only an awful human being, he’s an awful artist.

Yeah, you’re right on one thing, it’s wrong to paint them all with a single brush. Much like you don’t blame all of Christianity for the KKK.

Holy shit, where do you get your knowledge from? Islamic at their roots? They were a religion created to FIGHT oppression from the Moguls who had invaded India (or rather, the collective kingdoms in the region now known as India).

It’s interesting, a lot of people weren’t feeling the father/daughter relationships, but I thought they were really well done. Different folks different strokes, I suppose. I especially enjoyed all the scenes between Hank and Hope, I thought they were fantastic.

It’s really not irony. You’re fucking stupid. I’m not. It’s ok, continue posting more garbage and bullshit. Hopefully you’ll die out due to natural selection soon enough. Fucking dipshit.

No, no, you do not know someone whose child “got” autism from vaccines, because that has never happened. The autism that some children are born with is frequently diagnosed around the same time they get a lot of their routine vaccinations. There has not been one proven case of vaccines causing autism ever, anywhere.

Uh you’re doing it wrong. You can access all of those tunes on your hard drive, you do realize this right?

“then don’t buy the game.”

So they had that “chance” for less than a week, and this is how bent you get? Don’t need to lecture me about the definition of ‘entitled’, amigo. You’re the embodiment of it.

Aw, here ya go

Sometimes I read an article and think to myself, “Hey, cool article”. Then I’d see Limers face and take food away from my puppy.