
You continue to amuse. All I meant to say that you’re hilarious if you think that I like either Trump, Carson or anyone from the GOP. It’s ok, you’re a fucking Neanderthal, we get it.

Hahaha, first actually thing you’ve said. Oh, you troglodyte. It’s insanely sad watching you floundering around.

Congratulations, you’re a hypocrite. Add that to the ever growing list of your massive failures in life.


Yeah, I’ll go with no. I’m superior to you in every possible way. Go melt that stupid fucking tinfoil hat you’re wearing and drink it up. It’ll fix all of the issues you have.

Man, I don’t want to harm a hair on your head, Sparky. It would be like kicking a retarded puppy, only even sadder. It’s just so pitiful watching you flail around like this. You don’t serve any purpose on this world. Offing yourself would mean that much more air for people who actually deserve it. =)

The link actually was a video of your mom trying (and failing) to abort you with a coat hanger. It’s honestly too bad she wasn’t successful. It explains the way you turned out to be a complete piece of shit though. =)

Actually, here. Please consume copious amounts of this. You’ll feel better I promise:

I know man! You are a disgusting piece of shit, I’m glad you’re figuring it out. The inside of your skull is just a mass of rotted flesh at this point. Please do something about this. Preferably with a gun pointed at your skull; seems to be the only think that will fix it at this point.

Nah, nothing passed over my head. I just love pointing out that you’ve bowed to me. That’s all that matters, I’m superior to you, you’re a piece of shit and you should just off yourself at this point. Please do so with haste, the world will truly be better off at this point. =)

“I’ll bow to your expertise”.

Nope, just a sound echoing around in the empty space where your brain should exist, but doesn’t. It’s really sad man. =(

I know! Your intelligence just isn’t there. /pityforyou


That’s actually the sound of your own verbal diarrhea. You really should get that looked into.

Jackass, it’s not just a TV series, it perfectly describes you!

Bad person has bad things coming to him. Not shedding any tears here, personally.

Did I stutter? You. Are. Fucking. Stupid. =)

You are daft and unintelligent.

Look, the sooner you realize how fucking stupid you are, the better off you will be. Just recognize that there is a light at the end of the long, dismal tunnel that is your life. You’ll get there soon sparky, you will!