
Mmmmm, you’re off base with FFXIV’s subscriber count:

It’s really not irony. You’re fucking stupid. I’m not. It’s ok, continue posting more garbage and bullshit. Hopefully you’ll die out due to natural selection soon enough. Fucking dipshit.

Go fuck yourself. You’re beyond fucking help

Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up. You do not belong here or ANYWHERE else that rational thought belongs. Just fucking go away.

You’re clueless. Just stop.

Christ, you’re dumber than I thought. I’m older than that and far more world-wise than you. Those songs you bought before the DRM-free era? They were all convertible to DRM free, straight from Apple. You’re the fucking idiot that can’t figure shit out, not me. Have fun blaming the world for your mistakes.

Actually, we do worry what people do with their money. It’s called decency and morality, something which is a GOOD FUCKING THING to have in the world. You on the other hand are just another piece of shit who literally does nothing for this world. Go die of anus cancer please. Slowly and painfully. Have a fucking

Then you are doing something wrong or there is something wrong with your hardware or there is something wrong with your installation of Windows. That’s as plain as day as it can get. I’m not a fan of Chrome, believe me, but what you are describing is absolute batshit crazy because NO commercially available software is

No offense, but you’re just justifying not being able to afford a decent, high end card. It’s really quite pathetic to be honest.

You are doing something wrong. Chrome is a hog, but either you’re exaggerating or there is something wrong with your machine, either software (OS level) or hardware wise.

Oh shut the fuck up. There’s nothing wrong in pointing out absolutely FRIVOLOUS and unnecessary behaviour that is wasting money when it could have been put to a better use. Doesn’t even have to be fucking charity, nearly anything instead of destroying an expensive item just for shits and giggles is better.

I’m not sure why you’re singling out India when many other countries, including the US, fall into the same set of shady practices that you’ve outlined, just in different degrees.

Ok, you don’t know what you’re talking about then. Was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but 100% absolutely you’re wrong. Those files, which are just AAC, non-DRM files, are playable in other applications. I’ve downloaded my entire library from iTunes (from the cloud), reinstalled and been able to play

Uh you’re doing it wrong. You can access all of those tunes on your hard drive, you do realize this right?

We already ban certain types of speech, including the US. Canada has for a long time. Don’t see a tyranny happening here, we’re perfectly fine. Try again please, you haven’t provided a single cogent argument supporting hate speech.

Except that spewing hatred leads to further issues. It ALWAYS has in history. There’s no need to protect it, there really isn’t. Again, there’s zero fucking rationale for it. Please, try and come up with actual, really good reasons for it existing. I’m going to keep waiting because there JUST ISN’T ANY.

It’s not about feelings. It’s about promoting/condoning and providing a platform for HATRED that doesn’t fucking belong in this world. THERE IS NO FUCKING JUSTIFICATION for having HATRED and spewing HATE SPEECH about people based on their race, gender or sexuality. You just simply cannot provide a rational reason,

Hatred of elements beyond people’s control does not need protection, no matter how you slice it. It simply doesn’t. There is no justification to support hatred of gender, race, sexuality. It’s not going to make this world a better place nor does it deserve a platform. The quicker the world gets around to eradicating

Just shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking whining piece of shit. Have you played the game? If not, you are just a waste of fucking space.

“Sorry guy, this game isn’t worth pirating” Have you actually played it? Or judged it completely on screenshots and videos? Nope, didn’t think you did, so maybe you just need to shut your fucking mouth, and actually try to play the fucking game.