
If you truly think that good hygiene is the only thing that prevents people from getting sick you have completely forgotten, being a carrier of said disease to infect others, I’d like to introduce modern science and medicine to you. Go look it up, read up on it and stop being such a dumbass. That is all. =)

You missed the point of the shot - it’s not just for you but the people around you. Dipshit.

Nope - he doesn’t have to lead with fucking stupid statements like:

Except it’s not informed. It’s FUD - exactly the same garbage that anti-vaxxers try and spread continuously.

Shut the fuck up. People like you are the problem.

Sorry about your father, but that’s so fucking rare it’s not worth mentioning. It seriously isn’t and just leads to more FUD as usual. And you know what? I’d take your father (random, rare circumstance) to occur so that the hundreds of thousands of other people get better herd immunity to fight off this fairly deadly

Sigh, that’s not how vaccines work, nor how herd immunity works. You just don’t get it. Educate yourself for fuck’s sake and stop spouting fucking nonsense (like you’re doing right now).

Yes, you do. You seriously don’t understand how dangerous the flu actually is?

God, seriously, GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A HOT IRON. You are a fucking PLAGUE on this earth. I truly wish that you are ripped apart slowly at the molecular level, in the absolute most painful way possible.

Keep in mind also, that one of the last skits actually had the real Alex Trebek show up in it, so he obviously likes them to some degree.

Justin Wong’s excuse for not having a relationship is due to the “travelling that is required”. Mhmm, sounds about right there champ. You really sure it’s not something else?

As a practicing Hindu and having dealt with the religion my entire life, I can 100% assure you that we, collectively, would have no fucking problem with it. It’s only the actual “sky” religions (Christianity, Judiasm and Islam) that would actually have an issue.

Bye, Felicia. No one in the entire fucking world is going to miss your sorry ass. Fucking dipshit.

Seriously, shut the fuck up and die in a fire. The world will seriously be better off without you.

Your friend is a fucking idiot. The end.

Shut the fuck up, you completely missed the fucking point. I really do pity you and your fucking lack of intellect.

Some people here and there. Where’s the actual outcry that this happened against a fucking US citizen? I’m waiting still.

You missed the fucking point completely. The whole idea is that people are INNOCENT until proven guilty in this fucking broken system the US has. Yet, he was accused, charged and basically detained without any actual proper evidence against him, just hearsay and circumstantial “thought” the fucking douchebags in the

No outcry in the comments about the fact that a US citizen was treated this way? Oh right, he’s Chinese, not white. Guess it doesn’t matter because they’re all the “enemy” right?

Why are you still flapping your mouth? dave_geek completely destroyed your “arguments”. Just stop talking, be the better person, walk away from this. Anything you say at this point is just embarrassing. I implore you to try and be objective about this, read his post again and just walk away, man.