
Gross. But I don’t really find it any worse than little kids peeing in the middle of a store and their parents knowing full well that it happened but quickly walking away and leaving a pile of piss or shit for some poor soul making minimum wage at an already crappy job to clean up. Only those people are sober and they

like a pee sis

But he didn’t get to keep any of his money! And now he has been mugged and his pants are covered in pee! I guess he gets to keep his urine-soaked wallet though, which is better than nothing. Plus there is video footage of it all going down, and that thief has a weird anecdote to tell his friends.

Homeless junkie pees on yogurt shop floor = sad and pathetic, needs help.

Jez community is the best!

I’m guessing that either they believed that it would be ruled accidental or they have enough remorse to not try to cover it up. The details aren’t here but I’m also guessing they called 911? Whatever it means in terms of their “humanity” and love for their son they still did a truly sad, horrible, fucked up thing.

So I am a total dork and was telling my sister (who turned me on to Jezebel) about how many friends I have made here recently! I feel very special that someone as witty as you are is my Jez bud now!

Here is Corgi Dancer. Corgi Dancer is The Dance. Here she dances a self choreographed dance entitled “Margiebonz, Margiebonz Why You Haz A CAT? a/k/a/ I Want The Bonz Jive”

Poor kid.

For fuck’s sake. The only time this “parenting technique” will work is if the kid dies. So congratulations. He’ll never drink again.

I believe that’s “I’m missing teeth” face...

This makes me really happy. :D

Here, this’ll get you started. I recommend their books, too:

Totally off subject. But I am feeling super down tonight. Just really alone and hopeless.

I doubt she’s trying to making it big money off sex ed. But leave it to the comment section to make everything about a woman’s looks, personality or career goals when they’re simply trying to help a charity. People complain about the media being sexist and superficial but how can they not when that’s the focus of

What’s your definition of “happen”? She’s had a more steady career than most actresses.

I’m still clueless about menopause...

Oh, definitely not true. I have not yet begun to ferment.

*forwards article to my mother*