
“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob


Mine has been: nothing to do, might as well eat. Not helped by: favorite restaurants that never had delivery now do

Kinja question: How do we star/like articles we like? I really enjoyed this article. Thank you for writing it, Kelly. There used to be a way to star articles to signal approval without going into the comments just to chirp “Like this!” (which I can do, though it seems spammy).

Checks scale.... I have too many feelings

Fix the cigarette ligher.

It’s got a cop motor, a 130 kilowatt plant, it’s got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks...

I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vick’s. His hair was perfect.

1. This was dumb and Pelosi shouldn’t have done it.

Yes but they don’t think like that; they only recognize hypocrisy in others. At the very least she could have held a mask over her face. It’s so easy for us to present a united front on this issue, if we try. 

Yeah, the FB posts I’m content to ignore, but this one was worth it.

The fable of the ant and the grasshopper manages to be both disgustingly right-wing (pull yourself up by your bootstraps, grasshopper! If you starve, it’s because you didn’t comply with expectations in our society!) AND the worst kind of socialist (the worker is all, the artist and intellectual exists at the

The Queen herself gained new respect as a dutiful living link to the wartime era that so obsesses the United Kingdom.

Yeah I’ve been playing on Fantasy Grounds for a few weeks using their rulset and Dhole House’s character generator. Either way, this show looks awesome. That scene at 1:07 with them running with lanterns and flashlights in hand I immediately thought, “Uh oh, I hope someone has swim skill above 20%.” LOL!

Keaton chews the shit out of the scenery in his role. He’s fantastic.

It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen his Hamlet, mostly because it’s four hours long and it didn’t blow me away when I saw it, but I thought it was generally fine.

I think there will thousands of Tim Horton’s cups dropped in shock and anger in Canada upon reading of Keanu Reeves described as a “well-known American actor”.

I would go with Matthew Modine for Epstein.. he can play “Creepy Aloof” well enough to pull it off.

Crabs unite!