
I straight-up got GOOSEBUMPS when ‘Twilight Time’ came up. Stephen King threaded the lyrics through one (or more?) of his novels, and so I’m kind of conditioned to associate the song with low-level feelings of dread and that maybe The Walkin’ Dude is walkin’ up behind me...

This is one of my favorite movies, period. It’s such a departure from traditional “blockbusters” that every bit of drama is coming from the characters rather than some outside threat. It’s probably one of the most character-driven films Spielberg has ever done, which is (probably) what makes it such a challenging

I will star any comment that references Krull, especially the one that is Rell :)

I need to read that one. I’ve read a good chunk of the Byrne run, and a later one by Chuck Austen (I think?). I don’t even need a larger arc for the first season - just give me case of the week while having to battle the foe of the week, and I’ll be ecstatic.

I’m probably in the minority, but I kind of hope all these rumors turn out to be false. It isn’t that I wouldn’t love to see Ahsoka and Sabine in live action, I’d just like for this story to keep being it’s own thing rather than be ancillary to anyone else’s tale.

To get to the Other Side...

I read your comment three times before spotting the pun. I need more caffeine...

I didn’t bother watching the trailer - are there also giant pink worms?

Oh, wow, I bet! I can barely READ those lines, I can’t imagine anyone attempting to actually replicate all of that humming and bzzz-ing

No surprise nothing was found, but this seems like a really decent methodology. It’s very interesting that at the same time the US military is hemi-semi-demi acknowledging they have unexplained tech in their possession while at the same time our means of publicly detecting signs of non-Terrestrial intelligence keeps

I’d read that crossover.

It’s Klingons, so herd animals aren’t metal enough. I would guess some kind of pack hunter with big teeth and spiky fur - something in the Targ family, but hunted rather than kept for pets. “Enjoy House Martok Blood Wine - every bottle contains the blood of only the finest kills, slain only by our most respected

That you are a normal human being who knows that woman is never to be trusted?

SHERIDAN: What’s in there?

Yup. I’m exercising more than I ever have in my life, but still been chasing the same 10 pounds around since March. Part of it is boredom snacking, part “eating your feelings”, and a not-insignificant part is the munchies from one of my other pandemic vices.

Well... I guess someone had to pick up the baton from Shirley MacLaine.

The Trill are a good way to explore non-binary characters within Star Trek. Another good way is just to have a non-binary character who is an actual character instead of a token. If they can handle this as well as they handled the two cyborg characters in season 2 (I may have a crush on Detmer), then this could go

This is such hypocritical manufactured outrage, but dammit, Nancy! WTF did she think was going to happen? Woman can’t stock her freezer with her preferred brands of ice cream without a Fox News exposé, so what exactly was the expected outcome here? Stop scoring own-goals!

Hmm, to be fair, that expression isn’t out of place on Duke Leto.

These points are essentially where I’m at. Had she gone with the bikini top without the hairstyle, then it would almost certainly have been fine, eliciting little-to-no commentary. But with the Bantu (TIL!) knots? Not great, Bob...