Can't seem to get past "corporate politics"
Can't seem to get past "corporate politics"
Oh man, this girl has perfect comic timing.
Gotta love that people are like "Is he jerking off? I'll stay here and see this". Ah, ChatRoulette people.
I do not understand average book review scores. I feel like they must be using a completely different count system from what I'm accustomed to, where a 5-point scale actually only includes numbers from 3 and up.
I hear ya. Seems like easy, legal, victimless money. I think first I'd have to try reading a few erotic novels first though and they don't appeal to me. I like literature. I like porn. But mix them together and I'm like ... meh.
Sadly enough there's a part of me that wants to read this just so I can understand that sex and mean asshole line. I just can't imagine myself in any sexy situation where I smelled fish and ass.
"Our muscular oral appendages feint and spar," from a truly dreadful Mulder/Krycek slash fic back in the 90s, is still my favorite "erotic" line. I've come across plenty of contenders since then (I spent WAY too many years in slash fandom), but nothing ever quite rivaled that one for sheer awfulness.
OH MY GOD. CORY, YOU'RE FAMOUS! (LitChick is a friend of mine. Everyone go to Goodreads and worship her reviews because they are all as awesome as this one!)
I was more..
" He smells of fish and pure mean asshole." WTF?!
"He smells of fish and pure mean asshole."
I'm sorry. I know I just got done saying I don't like to read about sex but I feel like I might make an exception here. But ONLY if I can read it aloud to my husband. Once in the very long ago I bought erotica ( on sale! Who could resist?) and my husband was all raised eyebrow how YOU doin? And I started to read it…
I feel the same way about the elliptical.
I will cut a bitch to get the recumbent stationary bike.
I feel really weird defending the Fox/Notorious B.A.G. marriage, but they've actually been together for 10 years. They started dating when she was 18.
wine, people
Yeah, now where did that hair on my chest go? True...drinking enough black coffee to furze me mammies will only force me to pluck it out, but goddammit, I will once again be a tough bitch!
#2 sounds like Romy and Michelle. "Hello, yes, we're .. business women. Do you have a business women's special?"