i think she said feck

My worst car-buying experience: I looked at a vehicle, got approved for the financing of the vehicle, and went back the next day to seal the deal. When I returned, the car had been sold to someone else. The asshole salesman tried to tell me that, because I was approved for financing, I HAD to buy a car from them. I

Nor do I. I'll pray to my money to save some of it.

'Rhyming' a word with itself in another line is one of my biggest pet peeves.

I would really like to know if they give this discount to anyone that prays, regardless of religion or which god they are praying to. I'm not religious and am not a fan of people praying before meals but they can do what they want, it's not hurting me any. I'd probably fake a prayer to get a discount. I have no

I feel like country is perhaps on a verge of change, and young women are going to bring that change.

There are lots of date rape songs in country music. They call them "Love Songs."

What's important is that they make this about themselves.

Note to self: If genie found, wish to become either John Stamos or Lennie Kravitz 20 years ago.

I love this picture's opinion that it's the goatee that's been altered in color and not his head hair.

a very mellow name, no ?

This might be my favorite Butters name yet, Butters. Can't beat a Simon & Garfunkel reference.

so do I, but nobody cares about my, umm, my uhhhh, ah nevermind .

ive semi-retired the line .

Where is Butters and the "nobody cares about your boner" comment? *waits patiently*

Exactly. I cycled through everyone from Patrick Swayze to Paul Young, with Huey in the middle, so I finally has to ask him, and Huey it was.


I wonder what shade their "throbbing manhood" eye kohl will be...

Lol, I feel like it's really just a great metaphor for life.

I totally recognized it before reading your description! That was my favorite band back in the 80s, still love them.