i think she said feck

“or 911"

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

I damn near spit my drink across the room laughing. His little screed was so damn pathetic and telling I couldn't even be mad about it 😂😂😂😂.

Whoever took this fool out of the grey, does not deserve the power to take people out of the grey.

So you are pretty much saying the same thing as this: you are afraid of the gun, not the person who wants to use it to shoot you.

No, trans women are not “still a guy” on the inside, regardless of how they behave. In fact, they were never a guy, not even on the inside. You don’t get to dismiss other people’s genders based on your own personal stereotypes and understanding of gender.

And you know what’s categorically more dangerous than trans

What a surprise, women having to move out of their own spaces that were granted FOR A REASON, because people with penises demand it is so

Absolutely. Men have been using them against us. But trans women are not men.

Again, as a rape survivor myself, and as someone that knows full-well what it is like to be triggered, you do not have the right to segregate people just because they make you uncomfortable. You do not have the right to put other women at risk because you’re afraid of dicks. And it is transphobic as fuck to compare

The trouble is that in this debate (like so many we’re having in this country these days) there aren’t two equal sides, there’s the rational side and there’s the anti-progressive-social-compassion-science side. If you have no evidence to offer but some person’s vague discomfort to offer don’t expect anyone who isn’t

Surprise! Moving women out of their own spaces is literally what you suggested doing to trans women.

Trans women are women, and you don’t get to shove them out of our spaces just because a dick makes you uncomfortable. Your comfort is not any more important than theirs or mine. Your vagina doesn’t mean you get special

I have an even better solution that doesn’t involve putting the most at-risk minority in even more danger: the special snowflakes that can’t handle sharing facilities with women that have penises can serve out their sentences in solitary, not the other way around.

Because your “comfort” is not more important than

These both sides arguments are always bullshit. Either you are for social justice for everyone or you aren’t, none of this half-assed shit. Transwomen are women and are in danger when they are placed in male facilities. Because no other facility exists to house them (not that there should be because e have seen what

“It was dark, and she said, “Is that you, Ronny?” I said yes, lying for fear that she’d reject me.”

There is a God & they brought Chris Pine into being

Chris Pine with glasses is such a dangerous weapon, you can only handle so much...

He does sometimes.

Chris Pine went to Berkeley, studied English literature, and did the education abroad program at the University of Leeds a few years after I did. He’s rep’ing us English majors well, and is therefore the top Chris.

Word I’m hearing on French TV is that it wasn’t suicide but rather auto-erotic axphexiation. Given how insanely happy his tweets were and how joyful he looks in YouTube clips from the show that makes a certain amount of sense.

I work in a psychiatric hospital and like half of the kids I work with are there because they’re at risk for suicide or have tried already. I have had my Netflix account for over a decade (so long that I remember the early days of streaming when they had limits on how many minutes you could watch per month) and may