They’re not Muslims, you dumb fuck. India is almost 80% Hindu. You’re too stupid to even be a good bigot.
They’re not Muslims, you dumb fuck. India is almost 80% Hindu. You’re too stupid to even be a good bigot.
No. I do not like this relationship between Rih Rih and and Travis because he is a DICK. Story time.
As a actual, real-life historian, that article was painful to get through. You cannot understand what life was truly like for people of another time by cosplaying them 24/7. That’s just...not how history works. I do want to know where they get all their money though, I hope that’s historically accurate too, and they…
Wait, is everyone just going to gloss over that Victorian couple? Are we not going to talk about that?
I wonder if that is the same Victorian chick I read about on XOJane, oh it was an insufferable article, but did yield the most glorious comment ever “chamber pot or GTFO”
It was in the special episode with Jon Hamm, White Christmas. People have these device planted in their eyes that allows you to record what you see and other people can see what you are looking at. One of the other features is blocking and if you do that you’ll never hear their voice and they just look like static…
Then right back to jail she goes!
A fling with Huckabee might be too much comeuppance.
Someone (can’t remember if it was here, on Buzzfeed, or tumblr) said that Davis is more like the bus driver who refused to drive the bus when Rosa Parks sat down.
I wouldn’t say “nothing.” Her office is issuing licenses to same-sex couples now and she is not allowed to stop them. She may not have to do it herself, but she still lost.
There are not enough flame face gifs and Hades memes for the news of her release. She still doesn’t have to do her job. Nothing was accomplished and I am so angry.
You know in the Black Mirror world how you can block people out from your life?
That would reaaaaally come in handy with this bitch. I am done seeing her angry face pop up all over the place. Can she please just turn into a grainy blob of nothingness already???
Saw this at the Gym. RAGE EXERCISE HAPPENED. Then I binged on comfort food because fuck this all. YOU ARE NOT ROSA PARKS SLIME!
Will they ever stop with that stupid 500 days of Kristin? Never once have I been curious enough to read one of those articles, and I am sure that if there were ever any people who were, they are just as sick of them now.
To quote the biggest mouth-breather in the room: “Bruh.”
I’ll call it now: you are annoying.
Another proud graduate from Midvale School for the Gifted.
That caption broke me WAY more than it should have.
You are on a spectacular streak of being wrong about everything this week. It’s actually kind of impressive.