I Think I Lost It

I always wonder about people who paint their nails in public. My friend was on a FLIGHT (to London from Chicago) and a woman started painting her nails in business class. A flight attendant said that nail polish is flammable and not allowed in the cabin and confiscated it but seriously. How do you miss these signs?!

Who needs some? I have plenty.

If being "hot" was your job, and only requirement in life, and you had unlimited time, money, and resources, you would be.

She is not doing her job. She does not have a “right” to have her hateful views tolerated. There are plenty of people in need of a job. She needs to be fired now.

but sex-selective abortion is a very real problem.

Guess what? It’s not up to you to determine what constitutes a “valid” reason for abortion.

In the 80s, police departments and concerned parental groups around the country tried tying pretty much any goth counter culture movement and any role playing gaming into an overarching Satanic cult thing. They started blaming any murder with even the most vague ties to any of the above mentioned things into it.

The way to address the gender imbalance problem is with gender equity, rather than placing restrictions on women’s access to reproductive health care. Similarly, I’m all for continued improvements and enlightenment re: attitudes toward and resources for people with disabilities. If we have a society where having a

Obviously children with Down syndrome are wonderful, adorable children, but the decision to move forward with a genetic abnormality should always be an informed choice. My husband and I decided we would for Down Syndrome, but I’ve had extensive experience with special needs children. They need so much attention,

The worst. There was this one song called Mother Trucker that she hummed all the time. She hummed it like it was a gospel song, she even closed her eyes while doing it sometimes. God I hated that woman. I bet she tells people that I’m her black friend so she can’t be racist.

There’s genuine reason to be concerned. California once elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor. Someone took that joke a bit far

Except give him a fake nuke code that Will trigger fireworks that spell YOU’RE FIRED.

Wow, I worked with this woman. She always changed the office Pandora station to country music. Not the good kind either, the new kind where women are compared to trucks and beer. I tried to be diplomatic and put on a top 40 radio station, but she always changed it back. We had so many passive aggressive stare downs.

But damn, that also means he has to maintain 365 email addresses. All douchebaggery aside I am confused as to how he maintains this.

Said this on Gawker yesterday, but from what I’ve read, there’s very little truth to that. The whole “child molesters get targeted in prison” idea is something society at large uses to convince ourselves the horrific human rights abuses that are the norm in prisons are okay, because the victims are the “really bad”

This is about the time I’m supposed to make a snarky comment, but you know what? I got nothing. This is just so sad.

Or maybe she is just a human being, Stop being such a dick and making it about something. It isn’t always about you. It’s called compassion.