I Think I Lost It

Man, SHE’S gross. I think he is an abuse victim, same as a female child would be considered in this case if the role’s were reversed. He’s an adult now but honestly his life has been so intertwined with hers as she basically stole his childhood and saddled him with kids super early. As a result, this woman has always

Why can’t I look away? I’m guaranteed to click anything that mentions Mary Kay Letourneau. ANYTHING.

Depression...alcoholism...I wonder if he had a fucked up childhood?

I hate that we still give this woman attention.

This fucking woman. It shouldn’t be possible to be the Goop of the mentally ill, yet she has managed.

Serious question: aren’t all political action committees, by definition, thirsty? I can’t think of an American PAC in recent memory who were all, “ey, vote for our guy or whatever, and maybe leave a quarter or something on your way out.”

I miss Lindy.

I like you. Come back.

Why, exactly, is this idiotic? He made some bad jokes and people called him out for it, at which point he issued an incredibly insincere fauxpology.

“Give Noah a chance to fuck up in real life.”

Yeah, it’s not like he was making shitty, offensive jokes in his Sims universe.

“Give Noah a chance to fuck up in real life.”

Holy shit, this article is horrible.

Yeah, realising the wrongness now.

I'm having a tough time figuring out why the controversy was "idiotic." Sure, some conservatives took the opportunity to jump on the Daily Show and act outraged, but a lot of the criticism was good, valid and raised interesting points. The jokes weren't subversive - they were just mean. The one about marriage

I’ll give Trevor a chance, but very surprised Jez is a-ok and hunky dory with these kinds of ‘jokes’ but meanwhile, oh my god Patricia Arquette and Guilianna Rancic are pure evil.

Why was it a “ridiculous amount of so-called backlash?” He tweeted some incredibly stupid and offensive things and got what I feel was an appropriate amount of “so-called backlash.” Not from this site, however, but from the Internet as a whole.

But it also doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call him out on this bullshit, either.

It’s not like it was one or two bad jokes, it was a whole slew of them. Misogynistic, antisemitic, and worst of all, unfunny. If I was a chef that served a number of bad meals and also insulted jews at the same time, would I get my own restaurant?

Is it just me or was Jezebel really quiet on this issue until it settled down enough to where they felt confident they could get away with defending him?