I had a table once whisper loudly to their children, "if you don't go to college, you'll end up waiting tables like her..." while I was prebussing their table.
Along the same lines as Becca's story about people making assumptions about educational backgrounds, I waited tables at an Italian chain restaurant that falls between Olive Garden and Macaroni Grill in terms of cost/quality the summer between college and law school. Our clientele was generally pretty decent, and as a…
I also wonder what it is that is bothering him, or what it is that he is trying to prove.
I honestly hope he realizes, in many medical schools across the country, Asians are not considered a minority, as there are far, far more Asian medical professional students, than Hispanics, Blacks, and Anerican-Indian/Pacific Islander.
I'm black I think it's a ridiculous over-reaction. And that is not even in the spectrum of human skin colour, people!
I'm white, but that doesn't look like blackface to me...?
After a bakery in Casselberry, Florida, refused to decorate a cake with the message "I Hate Gays," they started to…
I greatly dislike Madonna. And it’s not because of her age, and it’s not because of her personal appearance, and it’s not because of her sexuality. I have no interest in age-shaming or skinny-shaming or slut-shaming her. last thing to Jezebel staff...thank you for at least trying to change your shaming ways of Madonna. I have seen some pro-Madonna articles here and that’s what women need. Every day we should be backing this UNAPOLOGETIC ICON UP. WE NEED MORE LIKE HER AND SHE NEEDS OUR SUPPORT.
I was wondering how she looks like that at 56. Though I'm the age she was in the photo, so of course I'm wondering how she looked like that at 33. Ah well. Tracy Anderson and raw diets aren't my jam.
OK. If we aren’t allowed to ignore the Kardashians can we please ignore the Duggars? Hasn’t our culture been battered enough?
I made the horrible mistake of attempting gummy vitamins, and boy, oh boy did I pay the price. They made me so gassy. I was at work, on my period, and trying to (quietly) fart my way to freedom on a beautiful summer Friday while at work. Suddenly, I get the “I don’t think this is farts anymore” feeling.
15 at Ozzfest in Texas in the middle of the summer
S/he's not real though. Is s/he? Judyj is just some weirdo troll.
I have a hard time believing a natural supermom who looks like Kristen Wiig would let a cold stand in her way.
I don’t know if this counts or not, but here we go.
Me and the ex hit this awesome little place in Mission Beach, CA called the Wavehouse a few years ago. We were apparently super excited to get there because we didn’t eat before we left the house. We got to the place around 11am and we were starving. We hit the bar and ordered food and, of course, drinks. Some white…
I was in sixth grade at a new school and I wasn’t feeling great in my social studies class (with the cute young teacher, too). We were working on an assignment so I walked up to the front of the room to ask if I could be excused to the restroom. And when I opened my mouth to ask, I puked all over his desk.