I Think I Lost It

This story is fantastic! My favorite one on here to date. And I love how you dropped in the hilarious little details about “studying” and the jell-o molds and such. I really felt the cold, too.

GAHHH. Also: amazing.

AGAIN WITH THE SKITTERING. There is way too much skittering in these threads!

The more I think about this one the scarier it gets. I think if you had said he rushed AT you I would have passed out.

This is the scariest story to me. I’ve done some dumb things just like that -- all because I was afraid to be rude! So glad you got out of there and you’re okay.

Holy shit *dying*

WHAAAAA -- okay, I haven’t even read past the marinara story. What the hell did you do? How badly was he injured??

It’s pretty terrifying, but good. Here is a link to the original tale that gained momentum:

I am laughing uneasily now -- gee, THANKS A LOT psychic lady. O.O

“Skittered” really puts it over the top.

GAHHHHHH. Years ago when they did a theater rerelease of The Exorcist (SORRY TO BRING UP THAT MOVIE IN CONTEXT OF A STORY ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER), the part where Regan crabwalks down the stairs made me yelp OH GOD really loudly, to the laughter of the entire place. Unnatural movement: no, no, no.

What did you do with it? I’m not sure what I would have done. Probably taken it to the dump or something.

OMG! This brought back a story a coworker told me quite a few years ago. He and his wife had bought an older row house that had what was more like an alley between the two houses than a side yard. He had a son who at the time was about your son’s age, and one day he woke up from a nap just freaking out, inconsolable,


The cough syrup!! XD

Sick, but hilarious.

“I’m already a molded Halloween mask.”

That’s the Trump whose face scares me the most. He’s uncanny valley.

Yeah, like, “Well, your kids haven’t murdered anyone -- that we know of! As of yet! -- so, good job.”

“These days.” So tell me -- what other eras did you live in, Junior? Prohibition? Civil War Times? The Cold War?