
Yeah, I’ve NEVER had that experience. The best they do is tell me they’ll give me a free month of Prime.

I do, and using it helps a LOT. Yet for some reason, they refuse to ship certain items (such as all videogames) to the locker near me.

And? I’d rather they charge what they thought it cost, and then have to adjust it over time to match demand, than release it as ‘episodes’ that they’re aiming to do now (and will probably cost more than $120, when all is said and done over the course of...3 years or so)

Games aren’t a right.

Because they should.

I live in a big city and 2 day shipping is usually “watch this driver arrive, count to 10, and leave saying they tried to deliver it even though that’s a lie, because you were home all day, and then watch them say they sent it back to the warehouse and now it’s sold out and whoops you wanna wait 3 weeks?

So you mean I get the privilege of paying for shitty delivery service, PLUS having what little perks there were being taken away? SIGN. ME. UP.

Also, if I didn’t make it 4 words past your post, I’d be assuming you’re buying it again, and that’s it.

Except I did read it.

If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it.

If you read the comments, it also seems to be nice for some people who have played it...

Seeing that Nintendo doesn’t set third party prices...

“I don’t want it, therefore no one does” false-equivalency.

I’ve been playing since 2012 too, and I’m pretty excited by this.

For all of the games industry, it’s the Holy Grail - how do we get it so our customers never own anything, ever again?

After reading ‘Blood Sweat, & Pixels,’ I’m of the mind that you are 100% a writer and researcher at heart, and am happy you get to do it as your goal profession. I wish game sites had more of you, and less of those who do look at it as a way to get into their ‘real’ job.

Nothing - because you aren’t forced to make that kind of choice.

I laughed out loud when I got Fraiser.

But Discord is that - a free market response to the issues brought up by Steam, specifically to undercut and compete against Steam.

I always love a good graph!