
I vaguely remember this standard in my history courses.

it’s good too!

Mine fits into a messenger bag...but just barely. And my 3DS is now in a case so big (to hold a stupid amount of games), that picking one over the other is never about size.

Considering there are still more 3DSes than Switches out there, and that the 3DS is still a cheaper platform to develop for (and buy games on), I don’t think it’s stupid that anyone would want to continue making games for it.

Having played both, and liking both, I can only say Dead Cells is a game designed around repetition and failure, where Hollow Knight is more like Metroid on the NES - it wants to have a persistent state for the main character, and hinges on it, but does very little to help you survive.

well, not until you spelled it out just now...

This is the best thing I’ve read all day. I’m so happy you’re doing better, and can’t wait to see more of your articles.

It’s as fast as running with Sonic, but with an extra dash of freedom.

I’d totally recommend FFT Advance 2, if you haven’t tried it. Improves over the first Advance a lot. The story isn’t as surreal though.

I read that stuff, but that’s also describing the structure of a majority of JRPGs. It’s been a long long time since the literal mazes that made up dungeons, in the genre. Even the games that are lauded have a structure that’s effectively one main path with small offshoots for treasure. Maybe other games are better at

So then the issue isn’t the structure, but that it makes its structure very apparent to the player?

Maybe that’s why I’m doing okay with it so far. I haven’t yet sat to play it for a very long time in one go. I finish a character chapter at most when I play, and that feels like the right time to save it and move on to something else. I could imagine it getting tedious if I put an entire day into it, whereas another

Given that most of the reviews are glowing, I guess they didn’t see it as vital?

There’s only so many times I can repeat the same “go to a new town, watch cut-scenes, use your path actions, go to a dungeon, fight a boss” formula before I want to run my head through a wall.

Given that only unlicensed products were affected, yeah, I’d say it had nothing to do with it.

Using the PS4 Gold headset, I’ve had good audio quality and mic usage without issue. Dunno what issues they have to handle specifically, but I know it’s possible to have it.

Indeed they do! I use mine and the process is just as simple as on the PS4. Plug the usb adapter in, turn on the headset, and you’re good to go!

You putting a lock on your house motivates people to break into it. They’re not criminals, they’re just righteous crusaders!

They’ve been bricked by using unlicensed docks. I haven’t heard of this great calamity where chargers are bricking them. In fact, Anker’s chargers seem to work fine (even the ‘unofficial’ ones they make).

But hey, don’t blame the makers of shoddy products because Gamers’ gonna Gamer.

No, they didn’t. I can use my Bluetooth PS4 headset with it when it’s docked. The actual issue is there weren’t usb ports in the actual console/it’s not designed to allow people to pair any Bluetooth device they want on the fly (like Windows, iOS, etc.)