
same, but it’s fun to play every now and then

So, the way last season worked, the Battle Pass skin was unlocked at the start. BUT, as you leveled up, each tier would unlock an ‘ultimate’ skin piece. So, you’d get ult stuff like gloves, legs, chest, head, etc. that could be used in place of the base skin parts. By the time you hit 100, you’d have the ‘base’ skin,

If I had to choose between a game that’s actually enjoyable to play, moment to moment but has a weak (?) story, versus a game that insults me as a player, asking ‘hold up as spectacle happens because we don’t trust you to have fun, and you’ll ruin our Important Story’ - sign me up for the former.

Yeah, I really like that practically every aspect of their previous systems are in here (and done to a higher degree of fidelity), I’m just saying it wasn’t sold as that. But it would be really great to see more original games utilize that stuff. Sushi Striker just came out and uses the touch screen. Splatoon 2 and

I didn’t think you would! That’s what makes you so adorable!

Oh, I don’t doubt other people have problems with theirs. What I do find fault in is the logic of...

“my situation happened, therefore it must be a 100% repeatable situation to all other people, everywhere, in the exact same way, which then means my indignation is not only useful for me, it’s amplified to the degree of

it doesn’t - has way more in common with Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6 than the SaGa series.

Mine works fine.

This is the best answer!

My parents met in high school and, 39 years later, are still just as happy together in their marriage.

How so? I mean, the Switch’s unique feature is literally ‘you’re playing the same thing, seamlessly, at home and on the go’ - which by default means every game utilizes that feature.

I think it’s because before, trying to shoehorn console experiences on a portable that didn’t even have the means to accurately mimic them (like having only one analog on PSP and still putting FPS games on it), made it very apparent that you should build a game around the platform you’re on, not shoehorn a completely

if you got this, I’d trade you my boring standard ones for the Labo Joy-Con.

I’m on the other end of that - since BotW doesn’t reward exploration with specific things, I get the feeling that ‘I discovered this’ - not that it was the cheese at the end of a series of corridors to move through.

“Players will optimize the ‘fun’ out of a game”

That’s a good point!

I’d ask you to see the response I put to Muscle Marth on this.

I didn’t mean to demean that aspect one bit. If you get meaning out of a game, good for you!

Then we’re just really different folks. I LOVE just the act of exploring in BotW.

Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask (the only 3 games that really stood out to me) and having options as to how I want to tackle the dungeons and quests.