
It’s a terrible platformer, even for its time. If all you care about is catching up on its story, just read about it on a wiki, or watch a playthrough on YouTube. Don’t feel obligated to suffer through it because Gamer Culture has deemed it Important Canon.

I think this is a significant leap in complexity because it’s asking the consumer to do a lot of research and handle fairly delicate components.

That wasn’t what you were arguing originally.

Why else would I saddle myself with a machine that’s already outdated (compared to gaming PCs), can’t be upgraded later on, and has a closed marketplace, if not for the convenience and simplicity?

It is - by then, there might be enough new games to make it a good purchase!

I’m getting baaaad at playing puzzle games on timers. I used to be okay at stuff like high-level Tetris, Tetris Attack, Lumines, etc. Now? Putting a timer or time-based pressure on making those kind of choices really slows me down.

All I wanted was “Pokemon Snap, but prettier”

It’s not only a side-quest that unlocks the boat/sleep stuff, there are story-filler quests that aren’t given by the main characters. For example (and trying to be non-spoilery), a fisherman in the first town has a side quest that leads to you learning more about Elvis. So saying not to do to side-quests because they

Wondering if this was ultimately Marvel/Disney’s move to make him look more like Holland. Seeing how Avengers looks, how Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite looked, looking at Marvel mobile games...the Mouse has such a tight stranglehold on the look of its brands everywhere else, why would they allow Insomniac to coast by and

Also, 512GB HDD when a modern game takes like, 20% of that space (on a good day)?

I was listening to a gaming podcast where someone said “you know, the great thing about consoles is you just put the game in and go - it just works!”

Personally, that doesn’t sound irrational or disturbing. You just have an interest in these two things. Which is great!

People surprised with these prices: it’s not surprising if you consider that MS is done making consoles, and the REAL reason for the Series X/S being sold is to get you to become a full-fledged convert to Game Pass Ultimate and xCloud.

But I have a disturbing desire to play BOTW and Mario Odyssey.

Call me crazy, but I can see the classic Sony hubris making a return.

One of those situations where having a publisher is a good thing.

I’m sorry for the situation you’re in.

Yeah, and they also can just...not play the game. “Makes” you, my butt.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet.

Now that I’m older, I’m very happy that so many modern ways to get older games have save states as a standard. I really like that Nintendo’s own SNES/NES stuff on Switch has a rewind. When I had all the free time in the world as a kid, dumping an entire day into Mario 3 to get good at it was fine. Today, I still want