
Nintendo games rarely go on sale.

Maybe we would have gotten Ogre Battle 64 Remastered instead, much like we got the incredibly well-updated Tactics Ogre on PSP. In that port, practically everything was updated from art to music, new features of stepping back on moves, save states, and popping over to different branches of the story to try other

They’re making us

But Every Everything is the End of Nintendo (tm)

Because Every Everything is the End of Nintendo (tm)

“I’d like to buy from you, but you’re not selling, so I’ll just go ahead and take care of myself.”

Me too!

they said they wanted it and expressed dismay that Nintendo hasn’t released or even detailed much about it, but that’s it.

You don’t get to answer for them.

HOWEVER, the Switch may be different. Why? Because Nintendo won’t release a darned VC.

Swift and safe recovery, Mr. Fahey

After trying it myself I can say the ‘need gap’ it fills is it makes building things fun, charming, insightful, deliberate, better in a group, and entertaining for kids and adults (without a stick up their ass about the premise) alike.

I’m a full grown adult who is hoping to get my nieces into this. Or get to do this with friends. I think the big draw for me is doing it in a group, but it wouldn’t be unacceptable if someone wanted to go solo, either.

What “need gap” does any video game “fill?”

this is a toy

The only example was Super Mario Run which lacked the depth of a real game but still demanded $10.

Pretty much this.

I really don’t understand why the collection coming to PS4 and XBO (and is already on PC) isn’t coming to Switch. Other than SEGA’s own hubris that ‘we can sell each one at $7-8 like SNK does.’

Nintendo has their self [sic] to blame when the swtich gets hacked to high heaven.

Sorry to jump the gun like that - I just see so many posts like that followed up with ‘if they won’t do what I want, I’ll take their game because something something I’m a righteous fighter’ - either from the OP or people who want to take the OP statement and spin it into ‘see, that guy gets it - he definitely