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“Hi, I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl!”

This guy is such an idiot, for all the reasons in the article, PLUS MORE.

If a company is going to treat their paying customers as criminals first, customers second especially when the criminals have extra features and/or less limitations than paying folk then they deserve no money.


So I already own this on DS and it’s easily the best version I’d ever want (console-perfect port, portable, etc.) feels like it’s worth getting to send a signal that yes, this is the kind of treatment I’d like to see for ‘remasters’ of old games.

and I have faith people aren’t going to misuse a tool that is just meant to make people’s data safer.

Chasm, even in its early stages, was a lot of fun to play. Backed that thing on Kickstarter and haven’t been bothered by how long the game is taking. The dev constantly updates, adds to the game, and has kept chugging along all these years.

Stories was one of those ‘barely missed it and glad I didn’t’ games.

My mom loved the Spyro games! This would make a great Christmas gift (that I can conveniently borrow :p)

Dragon Quest XI is DQXI

I re-read that part, and they’re referring to the release of the Crash Trilogy for non-Sony systems (July 10)

auto-correct betraying my butt (nice catch!)

The Switch already has a fair amount of them, most of which have the same option to rotate the display like Punch-Out.

this made me real happy, thanks for sharing!

*high fives you*

I can’t be the only one more hyped about TrackMania, right?

That’s exactly the opposite of what they did, but hey man. Fight the power, or whatever.

I’m quite alright with it.

Switch version when?

Not unlike Sony and MS, where there are vast seas of console-exclusive content...

And Octopath Traveler, Mario Tennis, and some new sushi game thing. But sure, I guess it’s better to ignore things to make your post sound punchier (ONLY Smash, and all these ports lolol).