De Blasio is NOTORIOUS for always being late. That’s the joke here, and also that he made CP mean something other than coloured people. They’re poking fun at themselves, people. Or trying to anyway.
De Blasio is NOTORIOUS for always being late. That’s the joke here, and also that he made CP mean something other than coloured people. They’re poking fun at themselves, people. Or trying to anyway.
Librarians - Library Science is ~83% female. Yet men make up 40% of library directors - far out out proportion to their 17% representation. To date there has never been a female librarian of Congress. I learned all this reading about Carla Hayden - who Obama has nominated to be the 14th Librarian of Congress.
I think women being pushed out of those fields as that transition happened is highly relevant.
Women made huge advances in computer programming they weren’t just punching cards. And it started being taken seriously and paid more only when men took over.
“The reverse was true when a job attracted more men.”
I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!
yes, coming from her perspective, wanting to commit suicide and not having the balls is a terrible place to be in. She helped him out of that place. I will admit that there are better ways to get through it, but some seem impossible when you are in that position.
I’m sorry but this wasn’t a malicious coaxing, this was a supportive coaxing (as odd as it may seem)
Have you ever had an ex threaten to commit suicide unless you submitted to whatever form of blackmail they demanded? It’s a terrifying experience.
She didn’t just encourage him to do it, she pressured him into suicide. How is this any different than when a student kills themselves because of bullying?
I think my love for grumpy old liberal men is surpassed only by my hatred of grumpy old conservative men.
It's unsettling even from here. I won't be traveling anywhere with mosquitos while pregnant.
Jesus, this is really scary. Like Children of Men scary. As someone who wants to have a baby in the next 18 months, I'm so sad for these women.
Well, maybe they’ll at least help women get improved access to birth control?
I really like DeRay, I got to meet him once at a conference for HIV prevention and he was awesome. I don’t know why it but it makes my old lady sensibilities riled when he walked out holding his phone and held it the entire time, I kept expecting him to do something with it lol It’s not an actual criticism just a…
This is the peak of rich personess in my opinion. Having a portrait painted of your family in a style from another era.
Yeah I’m annoyed at this. It means being aware of and understanding institutionalized racism. It’s about to lose its definition to a bunch of white people who don’t get it and see as just some cute thing the blacks say.
It’s like “basic bitch” all over again, but even worse.
Thank you! I too was wondering what the hell this was about.
Annoying, yes. Then there’s the alarming thought of Woke falling into the same hole as Bling and Bae, where you’ll have Good Morning America folks adopting it in segments about hip makeovers.