I spent a year only reading female authors several years ago (2007, maybe? I can’t remember for sure). It was really eye-opening, both in finding writing I wouldn’t have found otherwise and in seeing just how heavily male my usual reading skews.
I spent a year only reading female authors several years ago (2007, maybe? I can’t remember for sure). It was really eye-opening, both in finding writing I wouldn’t have found otherwise and in seeing just how heavily male my usual reading skews.
Talk about the books those women wrote. What you enjoyed about them. What you disliked about them. Recommend their books to other people. Start book clubs that feature them.
i am talking about private property. almost every site in this country is “private property” - from malls and factories to schools and , yes, plantations (which, if you were alive then, you’d probably be saying were inappropriate places to protest because they are private). saying it is less “appropriate” of a place…
By virtue of using the name America and being on American soil they are involved. So one more time. Tea in Boston party? PRIVATE. Lunch counters in south? PRIVATE. Do you even have the slightest goddamned concept of how this country was founded? WTF... is more patriotic than protest?
Pretty sure a whole lotta people were a little “put off” by a guy named Dr. King........
“private” businesses and the protection of private property are directly connected to policing, incarceration, militarization and detrimental acts toward the public. seems like a perfectly fine place to me to air a grievance that disproportionately affects a part of american society that also contributes to the growth…
“don’t seem to even try to do things in a reputable way.”
You mean like when:
the idea that protest must happen within a specific framework is never a) proportionate to the terror and oppression the people protesting (and/or those for whom they protest) face and b) in line with reality. look at every.single.historical.example. of actual change, then tell me if the people “followed the rules”…
I wonder if they know how menacing that looks and feels - that police line, all decked out in riot gear, advancing. THAT is escalating the situation, before anything’s even begun. That is not how you keep peace. That is how you disturb it.
The DNC’s job is to be an apparatus to the Democratic party, not to pick winners and losers.
Doesn’t that reflect on her management skills?
And there’s a downside to the HRC campaign’s heavy-handed tactics: some Sanders supporters will decide to sit out the election or write in someone’s name rather than vote for her.
Petition to have Schultz removed as the head of the DNC
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is corrupt and is basically trying to rig the whole process for Hillary. Just look at the debate schedule and the stupid exclusivity rule.
It won’t matter when Obama suspends the Constitution and declares himself Indefinitely Appointed Lord Protector in his supposedly final SOTU coming up.
This won’t feed into the whole Clinton corruption narrative, will it? -_-
Supposedly Bernies campaign reported issues months ago, and the DNC did nothing about it. I need to look more into this, because there seems to be problems on both sides (particularly the DNC, if it’s anything like Wasserman-Schultzs handling of everything), and it’s a tricky situation.