Me too. I want to have a kid now and this would be so scary and frustrating!
Me too. I want to have a kid now and this would be so scary and frustrating!
I know about art and I wish there was something to like.
I won’t be voting for Clinton no no no. I might feel differently if I lived in OH but I live in NY. what is the point? She won’t need my vote and she won’t ever get it.
I don’t get why people like pot. It just baffles me. It’s worse than being drunk. But I hope we can end the dumb drug wars and legalize ALL drugs.
Oh rich people without kids are living in cities while 30-somethings still live in suburbs because “schools” that’s what’s really going on here right?
This is massive BS.
Next thing you know we’ll elect a black guy with a Muslim middle name.
Why do white people keep on saying black people won’t vote for Bernie in the general? Are you nuts? Do you think any of us wants any of that racist clown show in office? Even the kinda “sane” ones like JEB! are scary.
I’m so sick of hearing this.
They are doing their best to protect him from a murder charge.
“feared for his life”
I’m still wondering about that. And that’s the real issue.
Why not? Have you tried?
Here’s an idea why don’t we just learn to accept that people do silly things in their teens that may or may not reflect on who they are as adults. I was a noisy usenet objectivist when I was 13-15. What could be more horrible than that? Anyone can tell that’s not who I am now. But, it certainly shaped me.
Also, how is…
Why not have a device like a cellphone, with a GPS and camera, but more tamper-proof and the person has to send a selfie every hour or whatever? It could also be called.
ducktor who
They googled her realized she was a nice middle class black lady(tm) who cared about brutality and panicked. Normally all they need to do is whisper about a criminal record and the public assumes she deserved to die.
The cops threw her in jail for the entire weekend. She probably told them she had a new job to start monday. Cops probablay laughed at her.
Example: I was going to share my Arduino project, but some photos have my hand in them. No one knows I’m black or female there. Having let that info slip before... and the crap it caused I didn’t want to let it slip again. Taking new photos was such a bother I just posted somewhere safe.
I was an active member. There are still some good forums ... but so many people like me have left that even in the better parts of the website it’s just not the same.