OK but for real though, WHY did they name the hamster after her in the first place!?
OK but for real though, WHY did they name the hamster after her in the first place!?
This woman is blind as shit, but what kind of name is “Harris Faulkner” for a toy hamster?
it’s almost as if katy perry uses presidential elections to burnish her GIRL POWER credentials but doesn’t actually care
That's just bizarre
I was so crestfallen that I didn’t know the hip young group The Boos who covered my favorite Springsteen song...
I’ve asked once, I’ll ask again, what makes you guys and gals like Hillary?
Bernie manicure is better. The brilliant manicurist responsible lives in New Hampshire and has been using her nails (and those of her clients!) to spread the word.
An airplane hospital
Or like a lame hospital for an airline.
I get the feeling that Bernie Sanders would not suck up to any celebrity du jour, just to appear hip and up to date, even though I can totally see The Boos supporting Sanders. Just listen to ‘The Ghost Of Tom Joad’.
If memory serves, she wasn’t actually in the hospital but a quarantine tent with a portapotty in the hospital parking lot.
Half the commenters basically turned on a dime into anti-vaxxers. Oh, medical science says it’s safe? WHO’S PAYING THEM TO SAY THAT? WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT TRUSTS DOCTORS WHEN IT COMES TO THE PROPERTIES OF DISEASES?!
An old high school pal of mine is a doctor and went on an aid mission during the ebola crisis. On the 2nd to last day of his rotation before going home, he accidentally needle-stuck himself. He needed to be quarantined for three weeks and got sick, not due to ebola, but from the drugs they gave him. Thankfully he was…
It takes a really special kind of person to look at someone who did legitimately risk her life to help others and be like “Nope. Dun like it.”
I remember the horror show Jezebel comments were when she was initially being quarantined.
I never did get the ebola mass-panic. It reminded me of the SARS panic. This ebola epidemic was a way for people to capitalize on previously existing discriminatory practices. Instead of saying, ‘gee maybe we were wrong and all people deserve medical care because we’re all globally interconnected’ American politicians…
Why? Really? She's a health care worker who treats a suffering population on another continent. She took necessary precautions, her organization (which has more medical experience than Christie and probably than you) says she was never a risk or exposed, she was tested to verify this, and even if she were somehow in…
I love everything about this lady (well maybe not the eyebrows) and this case, up to and including shining a light on how many people that consider themselves committed to the principles of liberalism will actually jettison them without qualm the second they feel nervous.