
I hope every person who made snide remarks about how she could go cry on a bag of money now understands that there is no amount of money that can compensate for the loss of child, particularly when your child dies in a painful and unnecessary fashion.

If it becomes legal for recreational use in my state, I’ll definitely try it again out of curiosity. But I still remember the weird paranoia I got the two times I tried it in high school, when it made me convinced that I had peed my pants. I remember that I kept going to the bathroom to check and make sure I hadn’t.

I agree. I don’t get the appeal at all. If I’m gonna change my mental state, I’d rather drink alcohol because it leads to that great warm, floating happy space. Weed just makes me paranoid and want to self harm. People should be able to do what they want, but weed evangelists are really annoying

How is menstruation not excretory? It’s definitely over stigmatized and all but would seem to meet the standard of an excretory function, at least to my limited understanding of the word.


“Sometimes I like to punish.”

And it’s equally bizarre to think that a person having a bad night SHOULDN’T BE PAID.

“I hesitate to mention another reason I like tipping. I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less. I’m not flipping silver dollars into the air or hurling twenties around with abandon, but I am a healthy tipper

“I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less.”

“He has an incentive to give me exceptional service, not some mediocre minimum”

I have lots of pens. Lots and lots and lots. But I will pick the newest one that has been awesome, the Pelikan Classic M205 Amethyst Demonstrator.

I have lots of pens. Lots and lots and lots. But I will pick the newest one that has been awesome, the Pelikan

Precise V5

Precise V5

My fav modern fountain pen.

My fav modern fountain pen.

I love that they both nailed the damn emails and the “no” heard round the world. I'm Bernie all the way, but I actually cheered when Hill straight up shot Chafee down.

So, Tina Fey was brought back to play Sarah Palin, and Larry David was used to play Bernie Sanders, but the decision-makers at SNL saw no problem with a non-black man playing President Obama for years, or for black women celebs to be portrayed by a black man in a dress for years. Hmmmm.

“Bother to show up” is poor wording that places far too much blame on a community that suffers poor job security, a lack of childcare options, and their fair share of well-earned disillusionment. Of course the answer is getting more Latinos out to vote. But it’s not a matter of “bothering” when the median income for

To my dear Mexican-American brothers and sisters in Texas,

Does anyone under 40 really believe in that red scare bullshit? The premise of not having a massive student loan to pay back is the first reason many may be willing to give Bernie a fair hearing.

What a load of B.S.