
“Who’s Wes Welker?”

I thought he was the guy who created the Jag Rag.

And this wasn’t by accident, or because the DJs really loved Metallica. It was on purpose. Every radio station basically runs off a “clock” which is pretty much like it sounds. :00 - :10, music :10 - :11, DJ talk, :12 - :17, more music, :17 - :26 commercials and so on and so forth until you fill up an entire hour.

Someone should tell Jeff there are actually 32 teams in the league. Unless he’s purposely not counting the Lions or Browns, which I’ll accept.

But what does JJ Watt think of Kaep? That’s the important thing.

Oh, hell. How is Blair Walsh going to miss a chip shot in the playoffs now?

Whatever injury Bridgewater probably has, he’d still get further in the American Ninja Warrior course than Drew did.

I would like to join your running and/or not-running groups.

I’d pop on over to GTAForums to see what kind of progress they’re making here, but honestly, I just don’t give a dam.

I very much look forward to the day when this guy is better known as Will.i.was

Last time a Dylan was part of that many shots in Columbine... oh fuck it. I can’t even finish this lame joke.

Mark Davis really needs to take this guy to see his barber.

io9, Toyland, Paleofuture and Sploid! Suck it, nerds.

Derek Jeter isn’t mowing fuck-all.

Sometimes you can spot it right away, other times not so much,” said Mr. Bryant.

Are Vinny from Syosset and Tommy from Quinzee garbage cousins?

I thought it was by default because I’ve never seen an ad on Twitter, though looking through my filters it’s possible that it came from the EasyList subscription. Otherwise, you might be able to add in a custom filter for “##.twitter-ad” (no quotes).

At first I read that as Lonely Island put together a travel guide on Rio and I nearly

It was Afghanistanimation.

The calm with which these soccer players greet complete strangers accosting them in the most ridiculous of circumstances never ceases to amaze.