

Starfish is clearly meant to be Starro - the villain of the very first issue of JLA.

Also, was I watching a different episode because I really love the Thinker and Sandilands performance and I dug the hell out of this episode. It’s low key and menacing in a way this show hasn’t really done since season 1 Wells. I also

Other little Wells moment I liked: Cisco telling Barry maybe he is just traumatized by dealing with villains who fake being confined to wheelchairs, and gesturing to our Wells, who as he often has had to do says in an annoyed voice, “that wasn’t me.”

“Wouldn’t this have been a good year to finally do a full-on Rogues team-up, especially given that Wentworth Miller is apparently hanging up Captain Cold’s parka?” 

I really liked this episode. I haven’t read much flash comics so I never came across the thinker but I really like the way his just openly like yea im going to fuck with you and theres nothing you can do about it towards Barry.

I loved the little moment where Fake Wells knows exactly who DeVoe was, and offers up a smirk and a “good luck” that evidently he didn’t pick up on.

It took me a minute to figure out what you were saying. I thought you were going a bit deeper there at first, a commentary on how Shrek has transcended from popularity to ironic staple of iconic animation (millenials love Shrek!) to the point it has become unironically revered and all lower animated films must pay

So is Shrek now Jesus or something?

Motherbox (many other names): Where babies come from. Probably named Martha

Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds: multiple roles) They will birng their powerful blues infused psychedelic rock making the Justice League go on a Magic Carpet Ride but should take caution when they bring out the Pusher. I said God damn, God damn the pusher man

MANIMAL Resurrection

Paw Kent (Kevin Costner): Won’t be in this movie because he decided to go play in a tornado. May or may not have told his son once that he heroically saved his family’s farm from a flood and got to cake and that caused a bunch of horse to drown. Lesson = don’t be a hero cause it sucks.

More like BORE 3, you Disney shill!

Ah...but that would have necessitated Snyder not only being interested in Superman, but understanding the appeal of the character.

Given that the humor is the only thing that is getting praised in this movie - it would seem it does.

Of course, per this review, this movie is not a case “when his dumb quippy humor doesn’t work.”

The thing is Henry Cavill can smile. I’ve seen him do it. It’s just that Zack Snyder hates the things that make comic book movies work, so everything just becomes The Watchmen.

Exactly. It felt like Synder was saying ‘saving cats from trees is “gay,” you know what’s cool? Branding rapists so they’re killed in prison! Fuck you, Jimmy Olsen, you’re dead! Check out ripped Alfred, bro! EXTREME!’

but Superman 1/2 or Batman/Returns level of ‘fun’ wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

I’m still going to see this, because I like comic book movies (the only recent ones I’ve missed/avoided were Ghost Rider 2 and Jonah Hex).