
Hilarious, literally anyone who brings up any doubt is shouted down. How is that a discussion? It is parroting or GFY!

Bring back Spot.IM! It was unusable, but it was hilarious!

So it’s now The Red Onion??

Yes, I can confirm or deny this.

Sometimes it feels like I’m posting nothin’ at all!

Finally, collective bargaining rights can do what they were made for: bringing back Disqus (or the systems before it).



*smoke fills the room*

They will each have exactly three!

I sure hope this isn’t the last change

Good list. Moon Knight is canonically Jewish, and is even the son of a Rabbi and its mentioned in an issue where they’re doing a psych eval of him and the conflict he has being the son of a Rabbi but he himself worshipping/being the servant of an Egyptian pagan deity.  

Songbird, the former Screaming Mimi, is also

Not 100% positive, but pretty sure Barry Allen revealed himself to be Jewish to Green Lantern in one comic. Definitely worth a fact check, but I think it’s true.

What? There are plenty of others. Marvel has tons.

Come to think of it, there only seems to be maybe three or four superheroes that are canonically Jewish:

It’s so true, right? You can’t go anywhere in a video game subreddit and not see someone complaining that a female, or black main character will ruin their immersion. Same people have no issue playing a green dinosaur in Yoshi games, but somehow being a woman reminds them that they’re sitting on a couch and not

I can only speak for myself, but it matters, and sometimes it’s cool to see an awesome character that looks like you cause I can only see myself in characters like Superman or Batman up to a certain point. I’m a black dude with dreadlocks, and before The Static Shock cartoon, I never knew of superheroes who dealt with

Oddly enough it’s the straight white non-Jewish men who have the biggest issues with being able to relate to someone who isn’t like them. Everyone else has long since learned to make do.

1. Mrs. Slattery

A-. A-. Dowd