Hilarious, literally anyone who brings up any doubt is shouted down. How is that a discussion? It is parroting or GFY!
Hilarious, literally anyone who brings up any doubt is shouted down. How is that a discussion? It is parroting or GFY!
Bring back Spot.IM! It was unusable, but it was hilarious!
So it’s now The Red Onion??
Yes, I can confirm or deny this.
Sometimes it feels like I’m posting nothin’ at all!
Finally, collective bargaining rights can do what they were made for: bringing back Disqus (or the systems before it).
*smoke fills the room*
They will each have exactly three!
I sure hope this isn’t the last change
Good list. Moon Knight is canonically Jewish, and is even the son of a Rabbi and its mentioned in an issue where they’re doing a psych eval of him and the conflict he has being the son of a Rabbi but he himself worshipping/being the servant of an Egyptian pagan deity.
Songbird, the former Screaming Mimi, is also…
Not 100% positive, but pretty sure Barry Allen revealed himself to be Jewish to Green Lantern in one comic. Definitely worth a fact check, but I think it’s true.
It’s so true, right? You can’t go anywhere in a video game subreddit and not see someone complaining that a female, or black main character will ruin their immersion. Same people have no issue playing a green dinosaur in Yoshi games, but somehow being a woman reminds them that they’re sitting on a couch and not…
I can only speak for myself, but it matters, and sometimes it’s cool to see an awesome character that looks like you cause I can only see myself in characters like Superman or Batman up to a certain point. I’m a black dude with dreadlocks, and before The Static Shock cartoon, I never knew of superheroes who dealt with…
Oddly enough it’s the straight white non-Jewish men who have the biggest issues with being able to relate to someone who isn’t like them. Everyone else has long since learned to make do.
1. Mrs. Slattery
A-. A-. Dowd