
On one hand, I don’t care if it’s stupid, I’m down to watch these characters hang out on the big screen! I can settle for dumb fun!

It was really only missing two or three solid scenes to make it “good”. Clark casually interacting with some of his blue-collar coworkers; Clark and Lois interacting like normal human beings, maybe over lunch (they could go grab something at IHoP and have an awkward exchange with Pete Ross); maybe a scene where young

He nailed the flying scenes, the end credits, and some of the softer moments, but it was overall WAY too thunderously percussive during the action sequences. Zimmer decided to experiment with drum circles in lieu of traditional brass and woodwind melodic themes, and the result is a film that sounds relentlessly

I was kind of hoping (futilely, as it turns out) that the whole “Council of Wells” concept would maybe point out that a group comprised of dozens of geniuses who nonetheless think perfectly identically to each other would actually be LESS useful in solving a creative-deduction problem than a group of several different

... Actually, if you go back and watch the show, the first Freeze episode (“Heart of Ice”) pretty clearly suggests that Nora died when Ferris Boyle’s goons interrupts Dr. Fries’ cryo experiments (the same accident that mutates Fries’ physiology). The episode opens and closes with Freeze talking to “Nora”, a sculpture

That’s actually been a problem with Mr. Freeze for a while now in the comic books.

Just on a basic dramatic structural level, I found the first Daddy’s Home to be a completely baffling and surprisingly infuriating piece of absolute crap.

Well, since we know nothing at all about this project right now, aside from the fact that Rian Johnson is making it (and, of course, the fact that it’s... *sigh*... ANOTHER pre-planned trilogy coming out of a Hollywood all too in love with putting the cart before the goddamn horse), my official reaction to this can be

Okay, I gotta admit... for all the things that I love about this season so far (no speedster supervillain! More time developing the supporting characters! Ralph Dibny!)... the one thing that I love the most, five episodes in, is the running gag about the phrase “This house is bitchin’.”

So, um... I kind of hated this movie. And believe me, no one could be more surprised by this than I am.

My biggest problem with Batman v. Superman’s approach to the whole “Kryptonians as gods” storyline is that it clearly, unequivocally depicts Superman as a god. Period. In fact, the film’s version of Superman ONLY functions as a Christ metaphor, and has absolutely no appeal OUTSIDE of that... which is not who Superman

It’s weird how Hollywood has this bizarre reluctance to put out a decent horror film in October. The films they put out around Halloween are always sh*tty cash-grabs (*cough*ALLtheSawmovies*cough*), and when they do produce a genuinely good horror flick— like, say, that amazing It movie— they push it closer to the

Eh— mostly they just bored me. But they’re also genuinely disturbing without being frightening. Watching people get horribly mutilated isn’t scary; it’s tedious and unpleasant.

The first Saw is actually really great. It’s a neat little suspense-mystery that winds and twists nicely, pacing its reveals and building up our two protagonists as morally ambiguous— but nonetheless likable— victims who we want to see escape from a sadistic deathtrap.

Wasn’t Levi up for Captain America way back when, too?

I’m just glad that we finally know who the hell is playing Shazam. How in the hell did Warner Bros. cross their wires badly enough to cast someone as Black Adam YEARS before getting around to Shazam?!

Screwing everything up for no good reason. As always.

Actually, that WOULD have been a fun way to revitalize the series: literally bring Jigsaw back from the dead. Either add some supernatural sh*t to it, or get sci-fi with it. Just completely upend the premise and turn it into something weird and new.

One thing that warms my heart about this list: there’s not a single Saw movie in the bunch... despite the fact that all seven movies are available right now on Netflix.

... ahem.