
Well, I actually dug it because it worked on a couple of levels: it had a really funny, time-travel-oriented justification for why Ash didn’t realize he had a daughter (and it was a perfect answer to the question “how would Ash most likely f%$# up a trip into the past?”), and it also added some in-universe

Ash vs. Evil Dead really IS amazing. And season two was incredible... right up until that last friggin’ episode. (Dana DeLorenzo got seriously shafted... especially since season three is apparently going to introduce a new character as Ash’s estranged daughter ANYway.)

I honestly don’t get why that happens sometimes. Like, a while back they put out Blu-Ray editions of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, and while the first one had all the features from the previous DVD releases, Spider-Man 3 was a bare-bones edition with a music video tacked on (even though the DVD release had been

Evil Dead 2 was actually the first Blu-Ray I ever bought— which I purchased before I had a Blu-Ray player.

See, this is why I cultivated an expansive Blu-Ray collection: because I didn’t want to be at the mercy of Netflix, Hulu, Prime, or whatever. What kind of friggin’ Halloween would it be if I COULDN’T watch Halloween, or A Nightmare on Elm Street? Evil Dead? Scream? There’s so much great stuff that just isn’t available

Oh thank sweet monkey JESUS, The Flash is fun to watch again!

I’m honestly STILL a little pissed off that we haven’t gotten a Trick ‘R Treat 2 yet. The first one got shafted SO badly by Warner Bros.— delayed for two years for no good reason, and then dumped in stores direct-to-video— but after it managed to secure a strong following and a solid reputation, Michael Dougherty went

Am I the only guy here who’s friggin’ stoked that J’Onn’s father turned out to be M.A.N.T.I.S.? Just curious...

(And yes, I know that Carl Lumbly voiced J’Onn on the Justice League cartoons, but goddamn it, he will ALWAYS be M.A.N.T.I.S. to me!)

Well, as the show establishes, Barry doesn’t think very clearly in the heat of the moment. And as the last couple of seasons have established, Barry is kind of a moron.

Lucky for Barry and Iris, the Speed Force that gives him his powers also does things like negating friction and momentum. It’s basically a magic field that lets him do whatever the plot NEEDS him to do without catching fire or breaking citizens’ necks when he grabs them.

Honestly, this show has been irreparably hokey since somewhere in the middle of season two (when the writers decided that spooky, time-travel-policing ghosts made perfect sense in this sci-fi-driven action series)... the only difference is that NOW, the show is fun and upbeat enough that I can ignore the hokiness and

It’s heartening to see that even well after the Kinjapocalypse, in the burned and shattered ruins of what was once the A.V. Club, some things never change.

(James isn’t still Guardian-ing, is he? I haven’t had a chance to watch the first two episodes of the season— been kinda busy lately— so I have no idea about his

As long as it’s got She-Hulk and Spider-Woman— two characters who REALLY deserve the big-screen treatment at this point— I’m down.

But the thing is, even leaving Batman OUT of it, I feel like the show is cartoonish and ridiculous. The tone is so whacked out, it’s insufferable.

I’m with you on this one. I just can’t make Gotham work for me— it’s too silly and stupid, more often than not unintentionally, and it’s completely directionless. I can’t even enjoy it ironically most times because it chooses the strangest moments to suddenly get overly dark and unpleasant... Frankly, the show is just

Scott Lobdell wrote this?

Okay, Flash... this is, like, your fifteenth or sixteenth second chance now. Don’t you screw this up, or I’m gone for sure! I mean it! And trust me, I don’t give out more than twenty-five, thirty second chances, tops.

I’m gonna be honest: this episode actually made me LESS excited for Discovery than I had been coming off of the pilot.

Game of Thrones. Not into the constant barrage of brutal murder, rape, and other unpleasantness... but good gods, that’s a pretty sweet theme song.

... That makes so little sense that I’m wondering if I had an aneurysm in the middle of reading it.