
I am honestly baffled that they kept the original five X-Men in the present-day timeline. I mean, it was a cool idea for a storyline, I loved the first twenty issues or so... but how does it even make SENSE for them to stay in the present without causing a major paradox?

Wow, that sounds stupid.

I think of them as a trilogy, too. And I suppose trying to move forward from that perfect final moment would be kind of foolish (like, “Halloween: Resurrection” foolish), so I can see why the filmmakers might want to leave that one off.

Judy Greer is great, and overall this is cool news... but I’m still pissed, because this pretty much confirms that Halloween H20 is no longer canon. Which makes Jamie Lee Curtis’s return as Laurie Strode redundant and pointless.

What is even left to say about this kind of thing anymore?

... So... he’s basically Nicolas Cage from Next.

It would actually be sort of interesting to see an Inhumans show that LEANED IN to their moral ambiguity. The review compared the show to Game of Thrones; why not actually take a PAGE from Game of Thrones and make the central dramatic thrust of the show be the shifting allegiances, duplicities, and machinations of a

I liked these creepy blue f%$#ers better when I didn’t actually have to stand next to them!

Okay, I know this will sound kind of weird, but I get legitimately anxious when I think of how arrogant this whole “four sequels back-to-back!” plan is.

Okay... I know this is just semantic nitpicking, but goddamn it, you can’t “legalize crime”. Crime is, by definition, ILLEGAL; once you legalize an action, it can no longer be called a crime!

... Not really. I don’t USE any of those other sites, and one of my primary complaints was that I didn’t WANT to scroll through every story on the site to find something worth reading— this site used to have a really well-organized main page with clearly defined sections, and now it’s just a big, awkward list. Plus,

I do not foresee this ending well.

See, THIS is why a Dark Tower film franchise was never going to end well.

I am irrationally excited for this movie.

In my opinion, it’s straight-up the best one after the original.

It’s pretty much the only reason I frequent their site— and the ONE reason I prefer it to post-Kinja A.V. Club.

I got more of an “aww!” response in my theater. Someone did chuckle, but I think it was because the action was so unexpected and sudden— but I think most of the people I was with got that it was a sweet moment.

Two things:

YES! This is fantastic news! (Even if it did take a bizarrely long time to get confirmed— which I can only assume was because Jenkins was negotiating for a reasonably kick-ass salary.)

Actually, I will give the show this much: the triple-identity concept was kind of interesting. Diana had a superhero life, a “public-private” life as C.E.O. of (ugh) Themyscira Industries, and a “private-private” life as Diana Prince, unassuming secretary. That COULD have led to some interesting explorations of