
Especially since Season 1 Faux-Wells proved conclusively otherwise.

Maybe it’s because I’m a simple man, but the Council of Wells worked like gangbusters for me, my only complaint is there weren’t more Wells. Bring back Cowboy Wells!

I think the idea of superheroes as celebrities was woven into Marvel Comics almost from its inception, but it was more reflective of the cheek by jowl way all strata of society coexisted in the New York of the ‘60s (Marvel’s dominant fictionalized milieu) than Hollywood. Superheroes were regularly idolized and/or

Bingo, the common trope among Marvel characters is they are a result of science gone wrong (or right I guess) whereas as DC you have someone born with the right genetics or social status.

I would say generally it’s the other way around. Aside from Thor, the current MCU heroes bear the responsibility of their abilities or creations, even when their heart is elsewhere. Superman, Wonder Woman, even Batman are themselves through and through (DCEU versions at least).

I’ve floated this idea before, but I really am hoping that they start flashing back to the events of earlier seasons, but with outrageous flashback wigs. Like, flashback to Oliver beating up some punks, then he pulls back the hood, and it’s Flock of Seagulls hair. Then Digg walks into the shot with like Kid n Play

Being a cop in Star City is just as bad as being mayor (before Ollie)

Come on, man. I just finally got “Return of the Mack” to stop playing in my head. Not cool.

I think the most egregious flashback was in (I think) season three where he comes back to Starling City and ghosts his sister, best friend, and mom. It was so dumb, and it was a sign of the show entering its So Dumb, But Not Even In A Fun Way stage.

I do agree that Harkavy is giving a committed performance, and Dinah is a character has really started to grow on me.

At some point this season we’re going to find out that Barry somehow messed up the timeline again and caused Ollie to actually be gone 15 years instead of just 5, Goddammit Barry!

I just want to say that entire sequence of Deathstroke killing his way through the base was way more fun then most fights on this show usually are. I think that’s mostly it’s pretty clearly that he was actually supposed to be killing those people as opposed to the others where the question of “How exactly are your

Both Firefly & Mr. Freeze had very personal origin stories, but they wind up being glorified lackeys. Much like the comics, their motives are too specific to exploit for limitless in-character appearances yet their gimmicks & costumes are too popular not to use continuously. (Is there a more specific TV Trope for

recognitions, kinjapalace and others , o god would I block these nitwits if I had the power. Fucking Kinja....

I think there was a little more nuance to it then that though. There was a lot of anger in the “YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING. NOBODY’S ON RECORD WITH ANYTHING,” reactions out of a lot of commenters. Personally, I believed it, because that rumor has been going around the comedy circles for years, and generally speaking,

Exactly! Consent isn’t the absence of a “no”.

If I’m reading at least the joint claim from two accusers right, he asked for permission but did not actually wait for or seem to care about consent. He asked and then did it anyway.

*psssst* Harassment is a crime.

Amen. If you’re curious exactly what kind of repercussions they were all afraid of, hang out in the comment threads of these articles. Comedy bros worship this guy and every excuse under the sun is about to come out.

Depends. Is he planning on turning himself in to the police?