
I’ve been booking it as a wedding venue and making a sweet commission. No one’s ever said anything, either.

I like to go to STAR Labs and use the restroom and I don’t even work there! What’s weird is that nobody has tried to question me, let alone stop me. I got this sweet lava gun from this neat guy too!

Oh man this would be great. She would be the point woman. Bicycle expert, trained in 27 forms of martial arts, expert safe cracker, marketing wiz and master of disguise.

I hope so. I am, exactly like her, a real American and I love her. Let this become the new typical.

...and Reality Winner.

That has nothing to do with obscenity. If Akima LLC wants to enforce ass-kissing as a condition of employment, they can put it on the HR material.

They have a goddamn bowling alley in the basement. Why would you ever leave the house?

That’s what I thought. Someone will snap her up.

I think future presidents should consider D&D as a hobby. It’s cheaper then golf since you don’t need to travel, it encourages teamwork, and it’s a great way to make friends so it’s perfect for making allies.

Trump prefers to get that organically, I hear.

She and the Twitter tech who deleted Trump’s account should team up and solve crimes around quirky small-town America.

got her fired from her marketing job with the Virginia-based government contractor Akima LLC

I’m sure somebody in her field feels likewise. I bet she won’t be out of work for long.

Man, when I’m President, I’m just not going to play golf. The one thing that both sides seem to agree on is that the President spends too much time playing golf. If I cut that out, I think we can all come together and make some real progress.

i hated it too. literally said out loud in the theater as soon as the credits started to roll, that it was a piece of shit. for all the reasons youve stated and more. the horrible editing, why all the slow mo? why all the cuts right at the start of any action of importance?

He is right to hold Step Brothers in high regard, it is a comic masterpiece.

“Shit, I’ve become popular and lost my indie cachet! I have to alienate my fans in huge numbers. Hmm, what would Lars Van Trier do?”

*Jezbel writes 5,000 word screed about the inherent sexism of ge0-locking*

Discrimination! All countries matter!

I find it offensive.