
Films are collaborations of hundreds, even thousands of people. I’m not going to write off a great movie because one of the people involved turned out to be a horrible asshole.

Yeah they have a little advantage in that most people wouldn’t necessarily recognize him without a little prompting. Just cut a new trailer removing his title credit, take him off the poster, and grin and bear it.

Although the last couple stories have been icky enough that I think I’ll take mine without butter for the time being, thanks.

I still think Glengarry Glen Ross and L.A. Confidential are two of the best of the decade. Sue me.

I’ll drink (in moderation) to that.

I am honestly still in shock. Although this allegations aren’t as serious as Weinstein’s, Spacey is clearly a creep. But he is not the only one, this kind of behaviour happens every day in night clubs, offices and bars with creeps, both sober and drunk, who think that being sexually agressive is a respectable way to

“It has occurred to me since then that there’s this weird way that Spacey had discovered that the closet would shield other things. Being closeted has for him enabled him to use this privacy claim as a shield against anybody looking closely at his actual behavior. And then it may have served as this strange,

And reaching his hand out, as if to grope an invisible, unwitting teen just out of his reach.

There’s sure a lot of pictures of Kevin Spacey speaking earnestly on the mic.

Well, I’m also thinking of the terrible reception for Iron Fist, the mediocre reception for Defenders, and how it’s hard finding a “good” time to release The Punisher.

I’ve had shows where I’ve disliked the lead more then this, but yeah he sucks.

Black Bolt is the WORST. When he’s not contemptable, he’s just dull. I’m sure I’ve never disliked a lead character so strongly before.

I honestly believe that anyone who’s sat through this entire series can’t complain about Danny Rand. Danny has a soul, he has noble motives, and while he’s an idiot, he’s not entitled or self-superior.

“Well kids, we all know that sometimes when TV characters die, they’re back again the very next week. That’s why I’m presenting this sworn affidavit that Frank will never, ever, ever return!”
*everyone cheers*

Just think of all that goodwill that Agents of Shield built up last season and how hard they’re trying to piss it all away.

This is like the least ambitious, most asinine, ugliest product Marvel has released in live action since, what, Elektra?

Iron Fist was nowhere near as dreadful as this show.

The important question is: Where the fuck is Sammy? Like on one hand I’m lad that he’s seemed to escape with his life considering what a shit friend Black Bolt’s been, but on the other, some confirmation of his status would be nice.

Fuck your priorities

They should just recast him. Is Johnny Depp busy? Ohhh...
Is Jeremy Piven busy? Ohhh...
Is Andy Dick busy? Ohhh...
Is Chris Brow

Beginning of Season 6: Special Agent Dale Cooper takes Frank Underwood’s hand and walks with him through the woods. Cooper turns around and Frank has disappeared. He never existed. 25 years later, Agent Cooper finds himself in an alternate dimension, living under the name Frank Underwood and becomes President.