
Preach. I just moved my chair in a show of solidarity with you.

It might have been nice if she’d declined to present him with that award. But if she’d made a habit of avoiding every single asshole in the industry, it seems unlikely we’d have gotten a decent Wonder Woman. And maybe she just doesn’t follow gossip? I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Have the Publishers of the Big Butt Book spoken up yet?

I would also like to announce I am distancing myself from Ratner. I’m already pretty distanced, living several thousand miles away, but after lunch I can assure you, I will be sliding my desk and chair several feet westward.

Goddammit, Leroy.

Her cousin Leroy, on the other hand, is running straight into a collaboration with Brett Ratner without any regard for the safety of himself or others.

Laden laptop laden, Googles ogling

Real talk: the fear of the contents of my browser history becoming public knowledge is all that keeps me from becoming the leader of a murderous religious cult.

Ankle porn is a thing!*

It’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.

Osama Been Fappin.

They wish they were half that clever.

Boeing Meets World (Trade Center)

Hey look: A religious nutbag turns out to be a complete hypocrite too. What a su-prise.

Bin Laden For A Penny, Bin Laden For A Compound

Osama’s Bin Files Laden With Porn

I want to see someone make a TV show about OBL’s time at his compound, but, like, as an ‘80s-style sitcom where his wacky neighbor Achmed always comes over and borrows his tools and says zany things. And OBL can’t go outside because the Americans are looking for him, so instead he puts on disguises and has to go to

The screenshots were all just women with their faces uncovered.

I love this coinage. Great job, Jesse!

This was EXCEEDINGLY DELIGHTFUL. Holy shit, this show is doing very well.

But what is happening with the White Canary costume? I know it’s superfluous and she rarely uses it, but they replaced the coat with sleeves - OK - but now it has like a disco collar thing going on?