ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability

Did we forget that the SRT-10 exists???

Yesterday I almost had a Model 3 drive into me (he missed only because I noticed and got out of the way) because the driver was looking at the screen instead of the road (trying to turn on autopilot?). He came up the ramp, and went directly across two lanes before realizing he wasn’t paying attention and swerving back

The wing and splitter might look like the wing and splitter from the Viper ACR, but they will not be the wing and splitter from the Viper ACR.

..the Dodge Challenger, which is just begging for retirement at this point

Unchain the Changli!

Pretty Asian car generic. Not ugly, but hardly beautiful. Just inoffensive, safe, and not very memorable.

Maybe when it stops being an inexpensive way to get decent power out of a relatively small and reliable package that has massive aftermarket support?

Grrr. “Peak Oil” doesn’t mean a collapse in oil demand, it means the point where it’s no longer possible to profitably extract ever-decreasing or physically-unavailable supplies of oil. It’s meant the latter for literally the entire time the term’s existed, only recently are people trying to pervert the original

So when did “peak oil” get flipped to mean peak demand? It started out meaning, more or less, peak supply, in the sense that discovery of new oilfields falls behind the depletion of known, economically and practically exploitable reserves. It’s a most significant distinction.

How do you only get 219 hp from a 2.5 liter engine + 3 electric motors? I’ve got a 2013 Civic Si that’s putting out 200 hp from a 2.4. Are other 4 cylinders really that weak?

He just edited the article.

Why are you trolling the under-30s to search for a V8 rwd Acura s-class?

“Sport coupe will not get Android auto, what’s the point of that dumb car”

Next time we get upset over losing a sportier model let’s ask ourselves if it will bring in $3.3 billion with a 16.5 percent profit margin in one year.”

Can you tell him Oppo is still alive and well?

Watching Vettel and Hamilton battle it out with spec Miatas might be entertaining.

Fired Take: Guess I’ll buy a Tempo.

I expect farmers to disassemble their cows and hogs, preferably near a smoke pit, to keep them from traumatizing my car every day.

The law is clearly insane, motivated by ignorance and panic...