ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability

First LT2 available to drop into an MX5 

All I want for Christmas is a BPR Global GT revival

What (and I cannot stress this enough) the fuck is up with these new ads that FOLLOW YOU AS YOU SCROLL?!?

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!


Top Tropes.

Does this mean we’re getting Days of Thunder 2?

I bet light would travel faster if someone would just think to put wings on them.

GM and Ford’s all-in labor costs, including wages and benefits, have exceeded $60 an hour for the first time in years, according to the Center for Automotive Research. Fiat Chrysler’s labor costs now stand at $55 per hour,

The best part about this comment is the dude that took it seriously.

Still...could be worse... These are the before and after pictures of a 1980s Alfa Arna

Yeah, I clicked in expecting some Direzza ZIII vs. RE-71 vs. Rival 1.5 action, not this glorified all-season bullshit.

If you are serious about your summer tires you are putting a 200 or lower treadwear rated tire on your car.

Living in, working in, visiting, and being generally anywhere near NYC sounds miserable.

Never thought I’d say this but I hope 90's car styles come back. I’m done with these over-sized monster grills.

I think the real story here is that someone managed to drift a Lincoln MKZ.

BMW took the lead in the Luxury market during the Bangle era, when everyone not buying their cars were complaining about the design direction.

Opinions can’t be facts