ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability

When one must master of the roads in a land yacht, there is but one choice... The Buick Roadmaster.

That’s too easy and makes too much sense. 

Oppo is going to be the new photobucket on forums.

My number one rule here has become, “Never click a monkeepuzzle link”

So you Jalops realize just how solid of a dude you have at the helm, on the day this news became known, Rory took notice of a comment I’d made asking the editors to help us save OPPO and replied asking me to email him. A few hours later he called me and we had a long conversation about how much we both cared about the

You are relentless and I love you for it.

I love you. 

Long live OPPO, indeed.

Oppo Is Dead/Long Live Oppo

When I started here, I was under the mistaken impression that Oppo had been killed a while back. I was relieved to

So sad.

Oppo is dead. Long live Oppo.

Yo this is dope as fuck.

Kid stuck inside for 40 minutes with no fob working? For me that would 40 seconds until heavy object meets window.

Dude thought he was getting a Lambo...

bUt MAh fReEduMZZZ!

This may seem rude and im normally a nice person, but fuck these guys. They dont deserve hospital beds or resources, because chances are these are the same people who would try to fight you over telling them to wear a mask, and call you a communist.

When are we going to start getting the cheap motorcycles from this fall out?

When reality is more absurd than The Onion.