ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability

GR Yaris, very GR.

.....the dialog box can’t be dismissed from the display.

just put a K&N filter in it

Flash tuning voids warranty, film at 11.

I’d love to read more about this.

Reminds me of the Peugeot dealership on Route 17 in Ramsey NJ.  Still had new Pugs on the lot as late as 2008.

Honestly, I wish the CEO did write that.

Ewe gotta love this.

“What’s Something In Your Garage That Might Be A Relationship Red Flag?”

“This all continues to baffle me how many common modifications don’t actually improve performance, but attempt to achieve a look that some people have randomly decided is “attractive”.”

Again, the gift that keeps on giving.

This is why I carry post-it notes in the car.  

How about a dating app for Jalopnik readers?

Thar it is.

Too fucking soon, man.

And quite possibly the straight six and large rear wheel drive platform too.

Bring a Trailer 2050: BMW M3 TOURING SELLS FOR $400,000.00

I’ve never been a fan of the auto stop/lane assist/cruise control assist/ features. I am much more resilient in a car where there are no cameras and sensors saving my rear. You lose connection with the vehicle, and you rely too much on these assists that may end up weakening your reaction times and driving skill.

One of the best ways to prevent deaths from accidents is to prevent the accident in the first place. This is solved with education. Make it MUCH more difficult to obtain a driver license, or make it a tiered system (as to not negatively affect the lower income brackets) where a beginner permit allows you to use