Israel Defense Information Ministry

My wife Eden is very beautiful.

I’m in contempt of the whole fucking system. 

Kareem Lanier seems grateful, though.

First three comments: More whining, moaning, and memes.

Just something the American mainstream media concocted to keep their simpleton citizens distracted.

Drinking will not make your problems go away.

Your country has no honest citizens.

So you agree that the Democratic leadership is gutless as are most Americans?

Eric Ravenscraft, are you by chance from Georgia?

Eric Ravenscraft, are you by chance from Georgia?

First of all, I am not familiar with all of the American political slang. I thought that libtard meant “foolish, impotent childlike left person”.

Agreed with the first sentence.

Good. We are finally moving on to some real discourse now.

I will not be killing myself. I am a happy and strong Israeli soldier with a beautiful wife named Eden and six year old named Jonah.

Rest assured, the gutless Democrats will not do anything too dramatic.

Again, more hostile yet harmless and impotent internet posturing from an American Left coward.

Let’s leave Mr. Kavanaugh’s private sex life out of this.

If I’m a troll, then almost by definition, I am not worth engaging with.

Buy a new pushpin and break it and then try to glue the broken part of the new pushpin on the old pushpin?

Glue it back on?

Thank you for the discussion here today.