Israel Defense Information Ministry

I said this in a comment awhile ago but we need a term for being surprised that you’re not surprised. That's basically my constant state. 

Lol sure, I bet he’s raking in that sweet internet commenter cash while he “capitalizes” on your tragedy. 

It makes me crazy that the legislation focuses so directly on policing the behavior and healthcare of women with NO regard to the man who contributed half the DNA to the fetus NOR even the fucking health of the fetus, which, if they gave a shit about it, would mean the father has to pay for mandatory prenatal care and

The slime mold of my enemy is my friend. 

I’ve never been a lobbyist or really worked closely with any, so forgive me if this is a stupid question: what COUNTS as lobbying? I’m trying to understand why it is so difficult to figure out who is a lobbyist. When I call my Senator to gripe at him, is that lobbying? If I am granted a meeting with him with my

Reminds me when I was part of a mass layoff at an architecture firm in 2008, and two weeks later they tried to hire everyone back because they’d let go of everyone who knew how to draft on a computer haha.

Yeah I can definitely see the issues if he is “exonerated” by the Senate. 

For real. Can usually count on them when it’s about oppressing women, Trans people, or racial minorities. 

It’s being done under the guise of national security...I'm not wonky enough to truly understand but I BELIEVE it means that the tariffs are in the hands of Trump's cabinet right now. The thing is Congress could challenge this in the courts but they're not because they do whatever Trump wants. 

In the grand scheme of things, Elizabeth Warren being told all her life she’s part Native American only to find out that she isn’t and having to walk back those claims is nothing compared to the shit half the Dem candidates have done, much less Trump and the GOP.

I agree, I was just trying to explain that when a Democrat runs against him, it’s not a primary where we choose between the two of them. That person also has to beat all the Republicans. 

I have, but I think I am better suited to activism and charitable work to scratch that itch. I am good at public speaking and yelling at people though haha. 

Yes, and I think we need to make sure we protect our reps who voted the right way too and exhibit support for them. 

Yeah I had to unfollow him because my mental health couldn't take those stupid diaries. Depends on who the new Republican would be haha before I could commit to that. 

Ah yes, it’s coming back to me now. Fucking Cassidy. To my knowledge this is his only challenger I’ve seen ( I like Pierce enough so far, sure, but really I am ready to get fucking Cassidy out of there so I will happily knock on doors for him. And can’t wait to vote against

Hey, nothing to argue with here. I am considering it a victory that my own dumb shit mom hates Trump enough that she won't vote at all next time (even though she picked him before because she hates Hillary and is pro immigration, pro choice, etc etc). 

Well setting aside the fact that I don’t consider myself a good candidate for office (like, I probably wouldn’t vote for me TBH haha) and don’t have the resources to run because our election is 4.5 months away, our “primary” is set up such that you don’t win a party’s nominee, it’s all parties. Meaning to primary out

It’s almost refreshing to hear him say what we know people like that think - that they have no regard for the well-being of the country and this is about him and his career. He couldn’t even give a shit about his children or grandchildren because he’s about to retire. This is a very Baby Boomer quiet-part-out-loud

Parental leave is about the ability to care for the child, for the mother to recover from the trauma of birth, to attend the doctors’ appointments, and countless other things. Children in poverty are at risk for countless health problems over the course of their lives as well, and by not paying a parent who needs to

Honestly I’m only OK with any restrictions if they are coupled with free birth control and healthcare and mandatory paid parental leave. There is no acceptable reason to focus on all the biological characteristics of the fetus if the other factors endangering its life aren't addressed.