Israel Defense Information Ministry

You may not copy this comment. gonna be okay?

Do you like Joe Rogan?

You made an honest point, and you got destroyed for it.

Is Joe Rogan a right winger?

Ha! Hilarious.

Did we ever get confirmation on whether Jennifer Lawrence got caught up in Harvey Weinstein’s disgusting behavior?

Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

btw, There is another comment on the Northam thread that I need ungreyed.

By the way if anyone is wondering how I keep getting out of the greys, it’s cgo2370. Direct your ire towards him.

I am not Tomato. And I will not be silenced.

Guess who else supported the Iraq War?

I learned on Jezebel that porn is empowering and beautiful.

These Democratic traitors like Northam need to be put in jail, so good honest Americans don’t have to deal with this internalized racism any longer.

Libtards I have learned is takeoff on Liberal and retard.

I’m flagging this comment because you are insulting hyenas.

Oh boy. Here we go with the old “lock them up, traitor” talk.

What is it flagged for?

My wife Eden is very beautiful.