Israel Defense Information Ministry

As someone watching from the Middle East, it would be interesting to hear some feedback from someone who works at CNBC. Perhaps providing valuable insights into how the American mainstream media processes the madness of Trump when the cameras are off.

Again, whining about alleged trolls accomplishes nothing.

Then it is fortunate (maybe not for you) that no man can know the mind of G-d.

The Democratic Party is broken.

Confused here.

America will never try to murder Bibi. America can’t even get a good boycott going without our tentacles in your government interfering.

Again, we see the soft little American dismissing feedback that he finds objectionable.

You mean like Russiagate?

Now playing

Are you suggesting that Benji Netanyahu will meet the same fate as...??!!!

Sick burn, American. But your internet sick burns will do little to effect change.

Unpopular opinion from Israel:

Are you suggesting that Israel faces a war from within?

Gonna need you to step away from the MSNBC, gullible American citizen.

No question Bibi is a tough nut. And the world is full of brutal dictators.

This comment makes little sense. I have no grievance here.

Hope Solo is a strong and aggressive woman.

American women of the Left.

I am warning you again, cgo2370.