
I’ve safely eaten opened Costco pesto at least 5-6 months post eat-by. It was fine. 

Why would anyone in LA need a fur?

Personally? I support roughly 0% of the GOP platform, but we’re not talking about me.

Why should pocketbook issues be the only ones that matter to him/his family?

Pretty sure she’s just Pink with a lot of camera filters.

When the first batch of alarmist articles about legal edibles came out, there was one about a child who ate a pot cookie off the street/sidewalk. You gotta think some weed is the best possible scenario for crap your kid is just picking up and eating off the street, and that parent should be grateful.

I have also heard that she is “legendarily unpleasant.”

She’s an extremely competent, Older, Democratic woman. Have they ever needed anything more?

an addendum: instead, get rid of Chuck Schumer please. (Notice he’s not a GOP bogeyman? It’s because he sucks, compromises with them, and they want him to stay.)


The Delta terminal is ok, but yeah.

Bluecifer King of the Morning!

I sure as hell do. She’s the most effective Speaker we’ve had since basically forever. You don’t need to like everything about her to understand that she gets shit done.

Get her help and get out. Neither of you is helped by this relationship!

I’m listening to what you’re saying, but this is about the anthem, not the flag. They are not the same thing. I also don’t understand when kneeling in front of something (like a flag) became a sign of disrespect? That’s an interpretation that seems to have been invented just for this occasion.

What a strange and insulting tone. I visited Detroit as a tourist and had a great time — is that so strange?

Behold: the winter flavors were released just today!

Behold: the winter flavors were released just today!

What rules? The rules that you just made up that say that stopping in the apple store or sephora with my dog is a problem? When they have to issue with it? Please.

Sometimes it’s because you can’t leave your dog in the car or outside, and returning home and coming back out makes no sense.

That is literally untrue. Both the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune were sustainable. The idea that newspapers dying is inevitable is bullshit.