
Presumably she means “ethnic” as in non-white, of all stripes.

But then was not Caitlyn Jenner lying about being a man?

Yup. I’ve had Northern Italians tell me that Southern Italians are “basically black.” I was like, please shut up and pass me more wine so I can forget this.

There will be a lot of women happy to hear that sex slavery doesn’t exist...

I didn’t like Goodfellas that much, but I got it.

and one article does not equal her whole life experience.

Thanks for this - makes total sense. The otherizing thing is totally spot on - “black men” as a category different than “men,” for example, seems strange.

Whenever I feel down on Americans-doing-English accents, I think about English actors who seem to think that American accents = being loud & from Texas, and then I feel better.

Yeah shops can be really weird and intimidating to be in as a woman. NY Adorned, however, is owned by a woman and the front half literally sells jewelry. It is emphatically not your typical sausage-fest shop.

I think it’s not so much having tattoos that can be seen sometimes, exactly, but the implication of unhideable tattoos. There are absolutely some gang/jail/at the very least not-planning-on-a-normal-career associations with neck/face/hand tattoos.

The worst thing that Miami Ink (& its children) ever did was convince people that their tattoos are special and interesting to anyone else.

Ha ha you know you’re going to be old too one day right?

Well sure, and that’s great. But she’s talking about Fashion, not kicking-around-town clothes. Unless you’re wearing sheer lace ball gowns to hang out in as a rebellion against office clothes, in which case: awesome.

Now playing

This one is from the Detroit Zoo a few years ago. It is all things.


Meh. Sort of. It’s just a music festival in a park on an island in NY. (Sounds more exotic than it is.) There’s no camping or anything, just flower crowns. It’s pretty new, and I think the appeal/hype is mostly location.

Everyone knows that freedom costs $1.05.

Sorry to be the grammar pedant but your post was so spot-on I wanted it to be perfect! (or ****flawless, as it were).


You speak my language.